Space - Chapter 9 EDIT

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No matter what beauty you had seen upon different planets or different sceneries, the beauty in which your eyes captured was beyond your imagination.

Flickers of light danced throughout the dark abyss, shooting light of all colours in which you, yourself couldn't express which fluttered effortlessly through the darkness, lighting up even the darkest corners of space.

Nothing prepared you for this...

The elegant tranquility within yourself began to rise and for once you felt calm, as the shooting stars skipped and shimmered across space everything felt right, you didn't have to worry about being in a new environment, a new world or even a new galaxy, right here and right now at this time you were at peace with everything that had been thrown at you.

As a smile crept upon your face, Kylo decided to speak up.

"Enjoying the view?" He muttered, trying not to completely knock you out of your trance.

"It's  mesmerising painful to look at" you whispered.

"Painful?" He questioned, curiousity shimmered in his eyes.

"It's so beautiful that it's painful to look at" you turned, smiling at Kylo "So much so that my heart is at peace, see?" closing your eyes and hovering your hand over your heart; allowing Kylo to search within.

"I see" he muttered.

Re-opening your eyes to stare at the wonders of space, you questioned exactly where in the galaxy was your universe, had it been destroyed? Doe's anyone know you're gone? Or do they simply not care?; you thought about your parents and how little you remember of them, would they be worried about you and would they be searching for you if they did?

"Do you wish to return to your world?" Kylo muttered, still staring into the dark abyys. You noticed that without the luminous lights reflecting off of his face, you could now see the colour within his eyes, you knew he had dark eyes but slight shades of green, brown and blue glittered, how beautiful.

"No, I don't" you sighed however this made Kylo react suspiciously.

"Your actions tell a different story" He answered sternly.

"I guess, it's because I was locked away in that institute for so long I didn't know anything else. The Walls were a horrible colour of white and I mean every wall was this colour, the light reflected off of everything and it was always cold. Even if the heating was blasted throughout the institute no one was ever warm, my brother before he was taken away from the institute to do work with another planet was treated horribly, men in the institute were no more than cattle to be used was working robots and females..." you shuddered at the images in which crossed your mind.

Kylo could see everyone but he didn't speak, he wanted to hear and feel the information from your own lips. God, Kylo was used to reading, digging and breaking open peoples minds for a living, it sometimes even made him laugh at how easy it was to do however, you allowed him to see everything, every little dirty detail, every horrid expression and feeling you encountered and never did you feel ashamed at it, your scares seemed to make you stronger and Kylo admired that.

"Females were breeders, if they were not adopted or given a contract to work somewhere else before they are 18 years old... They were taken into the adult institute and made to breed and give birth to children in which they could either sell off to another institute on another planet or sell to parents who cannot concieve properly".

Even though the institute was a nice place at first you began to understand why parents weren't allowed to visit once you were in their care because sooner or later they forget their children and not worry they'd carry on with their lifes as they had before their children had even been born.

"Unfortunately, I cannot be surprised since Slavery is somewhat common in this galaxy" Kylo sighed at the idea of slavery being common sense from what he could feel from your memories slavery seemed to be a forbidden subject or a tabooed act.

You laughed at how serious Kylo sounded "Don't worry about it, Kylo. Luckily enough I ended up in this galaxy before anything happened to me, Geez. They could try and make me a breeder but I think I'd end up killing most of people who even tried to touch me". You shuddered under the thought of someone putting their hands upon you, knowing fully well what they were going to do with you.

Kylo nodded, he knew you were stronger than you looked. He could feel a dark seething power from deep within you. He never mentioned it since he didn't know if you knew about it or not and awakening a power so horrifying dark, could lead to problems especially for him if even he didn't know how to help control it.

Pouncing up and turning into Kylo's direction you smiled. "Should we head back?" you asked. "I mean you're pretty busy at the moment and all with that weird, urm what did you call her a resistance fighte?" It still puzzled you how stupid the name sounded.

Kylo smirked "Well, yes. But they won't be a problem".

You laughed "badass, Kylo has returned" you snorted out of your nose trying to make your remark sound cooler.

As Kylo began to stand up, the floor underneath you began to rumble, seconds later the whole ship shook with tremendous force.

"Whaa-t" You didn't have time to try and stabilize yourself, you were going to have an unexpected meeting with the floor "What's going on?!".

Kylo grabbed your waist before you fell, holding you close to his chest "It seems that something is going on".

Looking up at Kylo's face you noticed all emotion again had drained away, Dark Kylo was returning. Well, at least he cared enough to stop you from falling, right?; He released his grip around your waist

"Come" he barked, though the order wasn't harsh or demanding he sounded generally concerned for your own welfare. You nodded tagging along beside him.

Little did you know that things were going to become a lot more interesting then you were expecting.

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