Faction - Chapter 37. EDIT

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You stood in your room, staring at the door. Your thoughts were all mixed as you remembered what happened only 20 minutes ago. Your face flushed red; your skin prickled under the heat of your now blazing cheeks.

So yes. You'd ultimately handed yourself over to Kylo. That wasn't exactly how you wanted it to go, but at least things have slightly been smoothed out. The only problem was, Kylo didn't seem to understand your need to carry on with the mission since he was here now, you didn't have to go, but you refused to just suddenly abandon a mission Snoke had personally given you, obviously Hux and Kylo were coming along but absolutely not!

Your nails began to dig into the sheath of your weapons; each hand started to turn white with the strain of strength behind the grip. You were NOT going to give up this opportunity to show Snoke what you could do. He'd invested a lot of time into your training whether or not he was actually there; he'd allowed you to stay on his ship and train with the Knights of Ren.

Swaying slightly to the left, your t-shirt swung alongside you allowing a glimpse of flesh to be shown of your stomach, you gently attached the sheaths of your weapons to your belt around your hip and descended closer to the door.


As you arrived at the docks, you could see Hux fluttering ordering people around. A few Stormtroopers were to join on this mission just for back-up, the main agenda of this mission was to survey where the new faction was currently hiding and if possible, to completely wipe them off the face of the planet they were hiding on, this didn't bother you as much the only problem was how were you, someone who'd only been a part of the Order for what? A year almost, give orders to Kylo Ren Snoke's Favourite Student and Hux, a General who even though it doesn't show has quite a few members upon the Star Destroyer who worship the ground he walks on.

You sighed, placing your left hand upon your hip and slowly strolled over to Hux. "General, we don't need this much equipment," you muttered, staring at the mountains of equipment Hux was demanding to be put on board.

Hux turned into your line of sight "How do you know?" He questioned. "For all, we could know is they've run off like the rats they are and you who apparently has kept an eye on them for these past months have no idea where they are!" He spat. Your eye twitched slightly, you stepped forward towards Hux and spoke: "General, I do not need any of this shit". You pointed to the equipment lying on the floor "And General" you trailed off while turning around and walking a few steps away, turning your head back to him "If you ever speak to me like that again, I won't hold back from cutting off an arm" you spat back. However, every word you spoke had no hint of lies in them.

Hux flinched at the murderous intent of your voice "Please remember that" You carried on walking away.


Kylo turned up about 20 minutes after everything had been prepared. Not that this surprised you, Kylo never turned up for things on time unless it was something to do with Snoke. As you sat in your chair, tapping at the arms of the chair in a trance at the taps. You heard the doors behind you of the ship close and Kylo stroll in.

"You're late" you muttered, not looking at him. You hated making people wait and better yet, people making you wait.

He could hear the anger in your voice but shrugged it off as nothing more than a tat in his eyes "I decide when I'm ready" he answered, as he walked towards his chair. You closed your eyes, trying to contain your irritation with him and rubbing your temples.

You flung your left hand at the pilot to set off. He nodded and within minutes you were gliding through space as if you had no care in the world. Of course, there was everything to worry about. Hux was being an arrogant arse who couldn't understand that everything he was doing was wrong and it was going to get in your way, Kylo will not listen to anyone's orders even if you did just reclaim your undying love for him in the littlest words possible.

As you were tranced in your own thoughts you could see out of the corner of your eyes Hux was staring at your belt. Eyeing up your daggers in which sat perfectly upon your waist, attached by the belt holding your pants up. "What is it, General?" you asked, curiously.

Hux snapped out of his glaring gaze and looked up "I was just wondering what do you expect to do with those things?" he answered, looking unconvinced. You smirked "Well, General. Unlike you, I know my way around a weapon" you began to tap at the arm of the chair again "Do you think my time on Snoke's ship was wasted?" You asked.

Hux ignored your last question and now continued to stare out into the abyss of space. You smirked again; you knew you'd hit a nerve with him. He knew that your time on Snoke's ship was not a field trip and that Snoke had personally trained you, himself but most rebels and people nowadays have guns or blasters, how in the world were you suppose to protect yourself against them with a few stupid daggers?

Just as you were going to say something, the pilot interrupted "Ma'am we'll be arriving in ten minutes.".

You merely nodded, pulling yourself up from the chair "Have anyone ready before we land. We'll be leaving immediately" you spoke. The pilot nodded still facing forward "Understood, Ma'am" and began flicking different switches on the top of his station, speaking into his mic.

You turned, walking towards the door but before you got there, someone grabbed your hand. As you set to punch the person in the face, you'd noticed it was Kylo who had grabbed your wrist.

"What?" You asked he could hear the irritation in your voice. "Do you think it's a good idea to leave straight away?" He questioned; a deadpan voice erupted from his mask. You nodded, pulling slightly towards him "I know what I'm doing" you answered, gently pulling his hand away from your wrist and without waiting to listen for a reply you walked away.

As you made your way through the ship, you could sense an endless sea of nervousness, you completely understood why everyone was so uneasy about this mission. You were about to land on a planet which was covered entirely in Snow and ice. While this type of information didn't really bother you since you were immune to any sudden and rapid temperatures, everyone else wasn't and to add the cherry on the cupcake, the landscape upon the planet was unpredictable at best. You knew one small move could kill everyone on this ship, which is why you'd given the order to move out straight away the ship couldn't land on the surface for any more than about fifteen minutes. Which meant the ship had to return to orbit and then descend back down when you all needed picking back up, any longer than that and the whole surface you all stood on would collapse.

You stopped at the end of the ship where you were going to descend onto the planet; you were just waiting for the final descending procedures to happen for them to release the doors so you could finally set the plans in motion.

You felt the sudden adjustments of the ship, preparing to dock onto the planet as it made a few eerie creaking sounds like the last leg adjusted to the surface of the planet. The doors opened, allowing a gust of wind to flow over your shoulders and around your body rapidly. A shiver pulsed through your body, but just as the shiver came, it immediately disappeared as your body suddenly began rising in temperature to combat the sheer freezing temperatures of the planet.

You smirked feeling warm and cosy while you, a crazy person who was able to walk onto a planet with temperatures that could drop down to as little as -30 degrees were going to walk around in a t-shirt and a pair of latex pants.

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