Their Pain - Chapter 53. EDIT

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It had been about an hour since you'd entered the small but surprisingly comfy tent that Judith had brought you, Rai and Kylo too.

She gestured out her rans towards the spaced-out seating. She swung off the cloak like fabric around her shoulders and proceeded to settle down herself, you noticed in the corner of your eye Rai doing the same. You questioned within your mind how Rai was so trustworthy of Judith to completely turn his back to her or Kylo in that matter. Settling himself down into the seat close by Judith, he pulled out a small but heavy looking book that was lightly wrapped in an old dark green fabric protecting the content of the cover and inside. Kylo moved forward slightly out of your reach now towards the opposite facing chair of Judith, flinging his cloak out and sitting down, crossing over his left leg onto his right without a care in the world. You pondered slightly in whether or not you should follow suit, being in the tent didn't make you feel uncomfortable but something else chipped at the back of your mind, something that didn't feel exactly right.

"Please" Judith leant forward, gesturing her hand out towards the last empty seat next to Kylo "Please, sit. I don't bite" she smiled. Taken slightly back at her remark, you couldn't see any malice or venom in her words, but her facial expression didn't portray what she was saying.

You began to move over to the chair, removing the cloak from underneath yourself and gentling sitting down. You looked up towards Rai's direction, he was now drinking what looked like tea, slowly but contently looking through the book upon his lap. You were still flabbergasted at how nature and comfortable he looked, he didn't look like the person you used to know within the Orphanage but someone completely new, someone alien. Rai noticed your staring and looked up from within his book and smiled.

Yes, that's the face you knew but... The presence of him wasn't. Maybe because you've been apart for so long? Is that it?

Rai chuckled "You're expression is worrying, ___". He sighed, closing the book within his lap and placing it beside him. He turned to Judith "I think my friend will need a bit of explaining before we jump straight into business" he gently pulled himself forward, placing his elbows upon his knees "You see, _____. When I was brought here, I was completely lost, probably the same as you, right?" You nodded, understanding completely what he had been through "I do" you answered softly.

His smiled once again returned "I was alone, scared, helpless and I thought I'd die there y'know? I tried everything I could think of. Anything in any of the books I read to keep myself alive, any information I could take from them to help me, but nothing came to mind. Somehow every piece of information I'd kept within my mind just disappeared, nothing came except sheer fear" He grasped his hands tightly, his face tightened, turning a slight white. "But then I noticed in the distance moving vehicles and people, so I decided to adventure over, anything would help, right?" He sighed, closing his eyes. "But what I was met with was something completely different".

Rai's presence suddenly changed from calm, to rage and pain. With all of your training with Snoke, you knew what Rage was and how it felt. The hairs upon your hands began to stand up, what had happened to your dear friend to cause him such, pain and hatred? The Rai you knew was kind, gentle and compassionate but the person you were faced with here was a completely different person, he had the same face, voice and gestures but nothing settled within you that he was the actual person you grew up with. Kylo, could sense your confusion, your worry and your pain for your friend but dared not to do anything since he could see, hear and picture everything that Rai had been through, since Rai's mind was completely open to him, just like Judith but unlike your pain and worry for your friend, Judith's wasn't.

Her feelings were unmistakable.

Hers was complete and utter hatred for those who caused his pain.

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