Training - Chapter 33. EDIT

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It had been a week since you'd been on Snokes Ship and nothing could have braced you for what Snoke was going to throw at you.

Every minute, he demanded training. With training, he demanded results. Every couple of hours he wanted physical developing which to your dismay was excruciatingly hard to do, and when you failed to do so, he made you feel incomplete, incompetent and useless. You weren't expecting friendship or a Student, Master relationship like Kylo gave you, but Snoke never showed even an ounce of anything.

You knew why.

For you were not force sensitive, but your deviation kept you focused. You weren't going to give up, not when you had left the Star Destroyer for this, left everything behind which you loved so much.


"What good will it do if you cannot even defend yourself against one Knight of Ren?" Snoke shouted, "DEFEND!".

Every muscle in your body screamed for forgiveness, wanting to give up was running riot through your own body, but you refused. You didn't want to fail, not again.

Again, the Knight of Ren attacked with a full-on assault, you who only had a standard blade could deflect or defend yourself with the right moves. But without little or much notice, the Knight of Ren would always flood your vision with an onslaught of assaults which took everything you had to stop you from losing an arm or even a finger.

Snoke began to become impatient, off in the distance he walked circles around the sparring area. Just like when seeing him as a hologram, he was tall, not as much as you thought but he was still god damn freakishly tall.

"STOP" he shouted, as he flung his hand in the air. "Enough of this" Snoke began to glide towards you, no anger or frustration within his strides. He was calm and collected "Enough. You've sparred enough with this Knight of Ren to know his movements, yet you still fail even to defend his attacks! How are you even going to be able to attack if you cannot concentrate enough to defend?" He questioned, "Leave; you have done enough disappointment for one day".

You bowed, ashamed of yourself again. Snoke walked off with his back to you and spoke "If you feel shame then become better! You will not captivate Kylo's let alone anyone's view with such pathetic skills."

You stood still, still bowing until the Knight and Snoke were gone and collapsed. The side of your face collided with the sweet, blissful cold floor, you laid on your stomach, exhaling enough to send anyone into unconsciousness. Muttering internally to yourself "Calm your god damn breathing before you embarrass yourself!" Pulling yourself up, upon your arms, you concentrated on your breathing, slowing the pace of your lungs down and in repeated patterns began to calm not only you're breathing but your heart-rate as well.

A couple of minutes passed before your progress grew fruit, flopping yourself over onto your back, closing your eyes tightly.

You knew training with Snoke was going to be hard, but you'd never expected so much pain to be inflicted upon yourself in one week, the first day you arrived Snoke had you under surveillance to see what you could do physically, mentally and emotionally. He knew just as much as you that your emotions controlled what amount of level your powers would work on, too little emotion and nothing happened. Too much emotion and all hell broke loose, not that Snoke disliked it, he referred your emotional outbreaks it meant he could see how much your powers were developing and how much he needed to push to fully develop them.

Pushing yourself up into a sitting position, you sighed. Not wanting to think of what you were going to do next, even a small little ounce of relaxation could hinder your training, which meant whenever Snoke or the Knights of Ren upon his ship were busy, you needed to train yourself.

Snoke had shown you a few ways of training yourself to improve your control over your powers. Firstly, was your emotional balance which controls your powers, you needed to get a good holding of this before anything else and trying to find a way to overcome your psychological barriers which hinder your progress.

One of those hinderances was Rey, the young girl with the power of the force, a Jedi.

No matter what happened when training with Snoke or with yourself whenever Rey was mentioned, or a sudden thought appeared in your mind, her solemn appearance set things off in motion, and no matter what you tried nothing worked, your hatred was too intense.

So Snoke gave you another way of thinking about it. Use that Hatred, that rage and pinpoint it, into a surface or an item. You, of course, hadn't even thought about using the hatred inside of you as a weapon but obviously, Snoke knew better.

- Flashback-

"Your powers are emotionally attached to your most inner thoughts and feelings when you feel hatred bubbling up inside you. Do not let the flame die out or turn it to steam, allow it to rage on, burn, destroy, devour whatever you see fit" Snoke mentioned, "suppressing your anger is like suppressing yourself, you will not progress, develop or accomplish anything but holding back".

You nodded, feeling slightly panicked, you hadn't let yourself just let go. You always had a grip of some sort on your powers. No matter what, even if your hold isn't firm and they still destroy and caused panic you always knew you could claw them back within yourself but releasing all control? You didn't know if you had it in you to do so.

"Do not think, just do" Snoke muttered.

Again, you nodded, swallowing hard. "What should I do?" you muttered.

Snoke pointed into the centre of the room "Sit".

You moved across the room and sat where he had pointed. Crossing your legs and looking up at Snoke, waiting for the next instructions.

He began slowly pacing around you. Not too close that you could stretch your arm out and still feel the fabric of his clothing just enough room to make reasonable movements.

"Now think. Think of Her the child of the Jedi". He spoke, "Allow your anger to boil and then simply release it".

Blinking rapidly, staring at the floor. You began to remember Rey. How Kylo needed to know about her and instead of thinking about you, he only thought of her.

You felt it. The small ball of fire which lingered within you. A shimmering ball of hatred and anger which had no place to go except to grow. "Let it" Snoke answered, "Allow it to grow fruit". Closing your eyes, you concentrated on the feeling within yourself. Fuelling it with everything you had, from Kylo, Rey, Hux and even from your past, everything that angered, saddened you, everything that had been taken from you, your life, your freedom everything.

Your skin began to prickle, not much to hurt but enough to feel the heat. "More. Allow it to flow more" Snoke muttered. But something had changed, the fire within you felt strained, blocked and you could feel the pull. Something was fighting against you, stopping you from allowing it to escape. "Fight against it; then you'll see what you can do." So, you fought, it wasn't uncomfortable unlike physical combat when you struggled against an opponent you knew was stronger than you but you refused to give up. No, it was different it was like a padlock which had rusted over time, you knew with enough force you could break it, but how much power did you need to give? All of it, a little?

"Do not think about how much force is needed, give it everything you have" Snoke answered, "You're still limiting yourself".

Everything I have?

Without even thinking about it, you allowed every emotion, feeling to flood through. The grip that held your powers together merely... Snapped.

All you could feel was heat, a hot, deadly flame of inferno within in and around you.

"Good. Splendid". Snoke snarled "Open your eyes and see".

Slowly but surely, you began to open your eyes, just as you felt it, you noticed your surroundings danced with a dark blue flame. Snoke stood still, taking in sight. "This is what you can do with that hatred." You starred bewildered at your power. "with enough concentration you can manipulate your powers with your emotions to show a physical response" Snoke smirked, his arms spread out just like the blue flames "Imagine what you could do with this power when you've fully developed it, my Child". He turned walking away "Imagine, what all of your powers could do".

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