Traitor - Chapter 10. EDIT

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I'm soooo sorry if some of the information in this chapter is wrong, the last time I saw the Force Awakens was when it was released in the cinemas I'm trying my hardest to remember the details so if some of the details don't line up or don't quite make sense I am sorry but this is how it's going to be written.

Also, the Chapter before this about "Readers powers" will be open until the 3rd of April. So I'll be counting up the totals on monday and will decide which powers Reader will have, then I will be able to continue with the story and how her powers evolve.


As you ran through the familiar corridors of the ship, you began to notice floods of Storm Troopers running towards the mass explosion.

You could notice that nothing like this has happened before, Kylo's aura was that of a hungry beast waiting and wanting to slice and dice something up. Of course you, yourself had no idea what was going on only the obvious that something had happened and shit was going to hit the fan!

As you and Kylo entered another set of corridors you began to notice where you were heading.

"We're heading to the control centre?" you questioned "Why there?".

kylo did not stop to explain, instead of sped up "This way you're out of my way and I don't have to keep tabs on your whereabouts, Hux can deal with you for the moment".

Feeling generally hurt that you were a burden at this point to Kylo, something heavy began to set within your heart "Hux, doesn't need to do that!" you shouted "I can just go back to my room it's not like whatever is happening are going to look in each and every individual room?!" you could feel that there was no sense trying to argue with Kylo, that he said was law and if you didn't like it, then you'd die.

"No, You should really remember why Supreme Leader Snoke is keeping you on the Star Killer? With the First Order and close to me!" Kylo was now began dragging you forcefully. Your shoulder began to scream with pain, pulling against his grip only had the pain double in amount "Kylo! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" you screamed "Stop!". Clenching your teeth over your bottom lip, hot liquid began to travel down to your chin and dripping onto your clothing and floor.

"Do you not know how urgent this is? Stop messing around!" Kylo turned upon his heels, his helmet inches away from your face. You could feel his intense anger and hostility towards you.

"Move" he barked.

You didn't struggle this time, you followed while helplessly being dragged like a souless puppet.

Finally both you and Kylo reached the Control Center, Hux was waiting in the middle of the room barking out orders to try and keep everyone within the room working at 110%.

"Kylo, it seems we have a problem" Hux hummed these words.

"Captain Phasma has determined that one of the Storm Troopers has helped the Resistance fighter escape, I believe his code is FN-2187. Phasma, assigned that this Trooper be sent to her area to be evaluated before the next assignment". Kylo's rage began to explode within the room, he released the grip he had upon your wrist, twisting upon his heels within the direction you both had come from.

"One of our own betrayed us, Hux?" Kylo's voice boomed "A Traitor among the men you said was to be elite fighters was it not?" Kylo twisted his helmet slightly to his left showing a tiny bit of his helmet.

Hux shrugged as if he didn't care "Apparently so" he muttered "But that isn't the problem at hand at the moment Kylo, thanks to the Resistance fighter and FN-2187 there has been extreme damage to the launching pads, they've even got their hands upon TIE/SF Fighter and have descended into the direction of Jakku". Hux sung the last part of his sentence, it was almost as if he was having fun explaining this horrifying information to Kylo.

As if he was enjoying Kylo's tortured rage.

Kylo's whole body was shaking with rage, you could sense the intense rage radiating from his body, you wanted to comfort him but nothing would go through not know, not when Kylo was ready to hunt for blood.

Releasing his Lightsaber, Kylo strutted out of the room with little effort but the echo of his footsteps, lingered within your mind.

"Do not worry _______,He'll end up killing them or something else either way so there's no point bothering with little talk". Hux turned into your direction, giving you a quick but unpleasant smile.

You shrugged trying to make it seem like you weren't bothered but he knew, he knew that Kylo had you under his thumb and Hux had an eerie sense around him that he knew he could use this to his advantage later in play.

"Come, sit down. You'll become tired standing up for too long" Hux pulled out a chair next to him, encouraging you to sit and relax. Little to your dismay you knew sitting down wasn't going to comfort you in the least but the gesture was kind and thoughtful.

You nodded "Okay" you mentally spoke.

As you placed yourself down, Hux pushed the chair in. Gliding you into a slot which fitted perfectly underneath the desk that was in front of you.

"Have you ever used a control panel before?" Hux questioned, trying to make your presence a little more useful.

You instantly shook your head furiously "I've never even seen a control panel before and even if I had I wouldn't want to touch a panel which controls a Star Destroyer!" You squeaked.

Hux smiled, pleased with your answer "Do not worry. These buttons do not control the ship rest assured these buttons only control the camera within the ship. I think you could handle that?" Hux smirked, even though he was trying to be nice you could feel that he was mocking you, making you feel as if you were completely and utterly useless within the ship and your place was of no value. Then you remembered what Kylo spoke to you earlier.

"You should really remember why Supreme Leader Snoke is keeping you on the Star Killer? With the First Order and close to me!".

You began to sink into yourself, that's right. Kylo only spoke those words because you were defenceless and you couldn't defend yourself, all you could do was reply on everyone else, someone else, reply on Kylo...

Again biting down upon your bottom lip, how utterly useless you were. Here was everyone within the control room, hunting and searching for these two escapee's and all you could possibly do was look through different cameras' within the ship.

How mortifying, how utterly and pathetically ashamed you felt...

Squeezing your eyes shut, you felt something within yourself pop and suddenly a raging fire began to spread.

Pushing the chair across the room, you clutched at your chest. The heat was unbearable, painful and you couldn't withstand it.

Before you knew it, your vision began to blur and darkness engulfed your mind, body and soul.

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