The World keeps turning - Chapter 29. EDIT

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As the rain pattered down, in the distance. All you could feel was the heavy feeling of sleep. But the sounds of the forest, rain and storm made it ever so slightly bearable. You needed sleep, not matter what you say about yourself, you're not invincible.

You're still human.

What felt like hours flew by the gentle swaying of the wind against your body, made it feel like you were being carried. But you knew this wasn't true if you were being carried, you'd know it. The feeling and sensation were similar but not the same. As sleep carried on surrounding you, you could hear a slight, irritating beep in the distance.

You tried hard to fight it but the more you paid attention to the noise, the louder it got. Almost as if it were getting closer. forcing yourself to open your eyelids, the face in front of you woke you up completely. You tried to scream out of sheer fright, but a hand was instantly upon your mouth, silencing you. As your vision began to get better you noticed a familiar set of armour.

"STORMTROOPER!" you mentally screamed. Your message got to them! Tears began to stream down your face.

"We're glad to find you, Ma'am" the stormtrooper muttered, quietly. "However, we must move now. The storm as cleared, and they'll be looking for you again". Getting up and walking out of the cave.

You nodded, trying to hold back the sobs of tears. The stormtrooper had hurried back to your side, grasping a small little white box. "For your face, Ma'am". confused at the answer "What do you mean?" you asked, still slightly out of it.

The Stormtrooper was taken back "You face, is quite swollen Ma'am. It's best that I deal with it now before it gets worse". Then it instantly hits you, it was where that stupid General smacked, you're across the face, not once but twice. Give or take the details that you purposely made him slap you the second time to get to him but still... Twice.

You nodded, sighing. "I remember now. I decided that apparently, one slap across the face wasn't enough" you smiled, flinching against the pain.

The Stormtrooper instantly got to work "Did they do anything else to you Ma'am?" he questioned, "Any other injury I need to look at?".

You sighed "The back of my neck, I was tasered. Not hard but it's starting to get stiff" you asked "Hopefully it's not as bad as the slap though" you smirked. You turned your aching body around to show you neck to the Stormtrooper who began gently attending to the wound "It's not as bad but it's still quite tender, the surrounding area is badly bruised and will need disinfecting as soon as possible". He stated.

'Great' you thought "Why does it need disinfecting?" you questioned, slightly worried.

The Stormtrooper replied "Whatever they used wasn't a normal a normal taser, Ma'am. It's obviously something they botched together in a hurry" he stated.

You bite down on your lip and mentally cursed the rebels "they botched together a taser to make me go against The Order, the fuckers".

The Stormtrooper grasped your arm and began to pull "Forgive me, Ma'am. But we must go. We have a ship off the coast just 30 minutes that way". He pointed due west in your direction.

"30 Minutes," you asked "How so close?" you questioned.

He nodded "Thankful when we picked up your message General Hux had us send out a new prototyped ship, you'll see it when you get there. It's time to go home, Ma'am". The words wrapped around your body and soul "Home".

You smiled, fighting the pain from your face and every inch of your body and began pulling yourself up but too little effort couldn't. Startled at the sudden lack of movement from your own body you looked up frightened "What's happened to me?" you questioned, ever so slightly quiet.

The Stormtrooper kneeled down in front of you "Nothing to worry about Ma'am. Your body is extremely exhausted if I may say so myself. Wrap your arms around my neck, Ma'am. I Shall carry you to the ship. That way you can save the little energy you have". You nodded in agreement, might as well take the help while you can.

you began wrapping your arms around the Stormtroopers neck as he placed one of his hands underneath your legs and another around your waist. You sighed out of sheer lack of energy, it took everything you had to move your arms up and around the Stormtroopers neck.

The Stormtrooper began to make his way through the forest, closer and closer into the distance where he once pointed. 30 minutes passed and just like he said, once you set eyes on the new "prototype" ship you'd understand, and you did. The ship had completely been encased in a shield in which reflected any sort of rays which made the ship completely invisible from the outside if it weren't for the Stormtrooper signalling to the pilot of the ship you wouldn't have even noticed. You smiled and used up the little energy you had left to wave as well.

The Stormtrooper moved aboard, nodding at the passing Stormtroopers as he went past. Stopping at a jet-black door he, moved the hand from your waist to wave in front of the pad allowing the door to open, he moved inside and placed you upon the bed.

"Please get some sleep, Ma'am" he answered, "We'll be back at the Star Destroy in no time".

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