Possible Partner - Chapter 50. EDIT

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As you and Kylo walked towards Snokes Chambers, you knew that whatever he wanted to speak to you both about wouldn't be good.

I mean, the first mission you did for Snoke? Failed, miserably. As you both got closer and closer Kylo could see your facial expression change drastically.

He wanted to comfort you, but he knew that wouldn't help, Kylo also being Snoke's pupil he knew if Snoke was anger or disappointed with you, punishment was needed. Obviously, he knew you knew this as well.

As you both entered Snokes chambers, Snoke was slowly moving from his Chair to the window on the left.

You both bowed showing respect to Snoke "You called for us, Master?" you questioned.

Snoke still continued his stroll towards the window "It seems that someone got hurt during the mission at hand, Child?" He answered.

You walked toward, into the direction where Snoke stood and bowed deeply "Forgive me, Master". Movements, like sitting, bending and bowing, were still uncomfortable for you since your wounds were still healing but you refused to lift your head until Snoke spoke to you.

Snoke turned slightly into the direction of both you and Kylo "No matter, your mission was successful, Child". He flung his hand in the air as if the air itself irritated him.

You rose slightly "How so, Master?" you questioned, feeling puzzled but also glad at the same time.

Snoke answered your stupid question "It seems that even though you were badly injured, you did protect the pathetic excuse of a Rat Hux and by combining your abilities both you and Kylo were able to obtain a Rogue and bring them back for interrogation". Snoke began descending back to his chair "Though the interrogation was not needed in the end".

You stepped back "What do you mean?" your eyes turned to Kylo, who stood motionless.

"It seems you have an admirer, Child". Snoke Smirked "The Rogue you fought against seemed to be impressed by your abilities. So, the information we sought was given to us instead. It seems that the Rogue group indeed had a connection to the Rebels but not what we expected. It seems the Rebellion did ask for their hand in the fight".

You nodded "Did they accept?" you questioned.

Snoke shook his head "It seems they declined the invitation. Though the Rogue party do not think of us as Allies either. When your group attacked their Outpost they thought that you were the Rebellion trying to get an advantage on them".

Snoke pointed at you "It seems the rogue was highly impressed with your skills you displayed on your mission against him, he'd formally like to become your partner in all missions".

Again, another shocking statement "What? why would he?" you questioned confused. "It seems that you have made a highly motivated impression on him, he'd like to put his life down on the line to be your partner. Hux gave me this memo" Snoke fluttered a piece of paper in the air with the force in front of him "explaining what the Rogue said and wanted".

You nodded but why? "What does this rogue expect in return?" You asked.

Snoke smirked "Nothing!" he chuckled deeply "He only wishes to be by your side when a battle or mission is scheduled. He does not wish to be anyone else's partner. But it is your decision to make. Will you use this additional force or not?" He questioned.

Kylo and Snoke could clearly hear the clogs cranking within your mind.

You knew the rogue was a good fighter, hell it was a fight you highly enjoyed minus the whole getting stabbed scenario and having someone close to you who knew how to fight in a similar style to yourself was a one in a million chances to encounter but you also knew that the rogue was set on killing you, why suddenly change his tone now?

the information roaming around your mind was being to give you a headache. Kylo coughed, placing a hand upon your shoulder "Would it be possible to allow her to think about this for a while? It seems an answer now would be difficult, Master". Snoke looked at Kylo then nodded.

"So be it," he said, "that was all I need to say, you two may leave now". As he waved his left hand about like he couldn't be bothered anymore.

You both bowed deeply "Thank you" you both chirped.

Within the Elevator, you sighed. "Was this the information that Hux wanted to talk to you about this morning?" You questioned. Kylo removed his helmet and looked at you "Yes, though I didn't think much of it. But to think that Supreme Leader Snoke is even considering this 'Partnership' is concerning" He said.

Your expression looked confused "Concerning?" You asked, "About how the Rogue wants to be my partner or how they suddenly seem to be on our side?" You asked.

Kylo shook his head "It's 50-50. Obviously thinking of us as the Rebellion is one thing, even though it could clearly be seen by our clothing that we were not the Rebellion but also now asking to be your partner, right after stabbing you and almost killing you?" He answered, "I find it hardly a coincidental that this is all happening now".

You sighed "Though it would be nice to have someone who fights in a similar style as mine" you muttered "But then again, becoming partners with someone who basically tried to kill me once is slightly weird?" you muttered.

Kylo chuckled "Are you forgetting how we first met?" He laughed. Rolling your eyes at him, you answered "Yes, Kylo! How could anyone forget that?" you muttered, sarcastically. "You scared the fucking shit out of me".

Kylo shrugged "I thought you were with the Rebels, it was my job to do what I had to do" He answered, without the slight hint of being sorry. "Real cute, Kylo. Real cute" you muttered back, punching him in the arm.

As the doors slid open, Kylo stopped a few inches away from the Elevator "I have a few things to take care of. Shall we meet again in a few hours?" He asked, looking at you with the most handsome facial expression he had. 'Jesus, Kylo' You mentally muttered 'You know what that expression does to me' you pouted at him.

Kylo chuckled out loud but spoke with his mind to you, which he rarely did since you weren't force sensitive it took him a while to be able to send thoughts on the same wavelength as yours 'That's exactly why I did it' He answered.

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