D'Qar - Chapter 28. EDIT

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It had been 8 hours since you'd escaped the base of the Rebels'. Now you were stuck in a cave with little to no light and slowly but surely, you're going to freeze to death.

The Storm hit 3 hours ago which wasn't exactly fun for you since you got hit by the downpour, trying to protect the communicator you stuffed it into your clothing and proceeded to find the closest thing you'd "call" shelter. Now, sitting in this cave you wondered if you'd even see daylight again. Thankfully, the Rebel's wouldn't be stupid enough to carry on looking for you in this weather and they knew you couldn't get off this planet without a ship coming to get you.

This part of the information sucked grass weeds since it was practically true. You had no way of getting off the planet and even if you found a ship, you couldn't fly it!

The only chance you had was to fix the communicator and hope and pray that the distance between The Star Destroyer and the planet wasn't an extremely far distance. You began moving closer to the opening of the cave, to get enough light as possible to see the communicator's broken parts, thankfully. Within the institution they made me fix all sorts of strange items and equipment, one of the only things you enjoyed.

However, having no tools or supplies for the communicator to change the parts meant you needed to really think. How could you fix the communicator without removing parts and do it without any tools?

You sighed, bumping your head against the hard, sharp rock of the caves.

Sighing yet again, you decided to face the troubling task ahead, not thinking about the complications until they popped their little heads up.

- Le 5 hours later - (sorry I'm skipping as I go but I literally have no imagination for these parts and to be honest I just want Reader to be back on the ship T-T But the story must go on).

You somehow managed to semi-fix the Communicator however you held of trying to use it just in case you end up blowing it up. Of course, getting off the planet is the plan but blowing up the only plans way of succeeding isn't good.

You bite your bottom lip, weighing the pro's against cons. However, the negative side began to pop out from within, no matter how hard you tried to fight it nothing seemed to fit. Irritated and annoyed at yourself, without warning you threw your right arm out, slamming your right hand into the cave walls. The pain was sharp and alarming, without even thinking about it, you had slammed your hand with all the force your body had into the wall. "What an idiot," you thought.

A single tear escaped your eye, sliding down your face.

You just wanted off the planet. But every time you tried your hardest something got in the way if the communicator breaks now, you're doomed, you might as well pack it all in and wait to die. Which in fact isn't what you want to do! You wanted to live and see Kylo again but, but what if it all goes wrong?

What if the Rebellions really had released it to the galaxy that you'd betrayed The Order, would Kylo even listen to you? Would he even try to explore your thoughts, memories?

You shook your head, fighting the horrid thoughts that loomed.

"The only way to see if it happens is to push the button" you mentally muttered, "Press the button and let whatever happens, happen".

crunching your eyes completely closed, you pressed the dialling button upon the communicator and waited, waited for either the device to blow up, give out or connect.

A few minutes passed and nothing happened, you sneaked a peak at the communicator and noticed the light was flashing green. "IT WORKED" you screamed. "IT FUCKING WORKED!" you jumped up typing in the message you wanted to express and hit the send button. All you could do now was hope and wait.

You looked to your left, staring out into the forest in which surrounded the cave you were in, as the lightning struck far into the distance you began to feel heavy, almost as if someone had dropped a rock onto your lap and decided to walk away. You shook your head, trying to clear the foggy feeling that clouded your mind "I need to stay away" you thought. But without warning, all went black and the darkness hugged you.

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