Shadows - Chapter 21. EDIT

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Entering your room, you began stripping off your now soaked in sweat clothing and proceeded to jump into the shower.

As the water began to trickle down your body all the information you had learnt through the week with Kylo began to sink in, information about the rebels, the war the fighting and also the death that surrounded the ship. Of course, it was to be expected you hadn't chosen a side but you belonged to this side not because of sudden circumstances as some people say on this ship, many mutter about how the situation could of changed if I had been found by the rebels instead of The Order and by Kylo, what would happen if I was found by Princess Leia the head of the rebel operation and also Kylo's mother, Kylo had spoken now and then about his past about his mother and his father, his Grandfather "Anakin aka Darth Vader" and how he become himself now known as "Kylo".

You never expected Kylo to open up to you like he did but only the parts he wanted to tell you. But you thought to yourself it was worth something, he could of just stayed quiet like the rest of the Star Destroyers crew and not muttered a word about their lives and how they become what they are now. It didn't bother you much, even you, yourself didn't like to open up about your past, about the institute or the people who had run the place.

Still allowing the water to consume your surrounds, you heard a slight knock at your door, far, far into the distance. Slightly, confused at the sound you turned the hot steaming water off and waited for another sound.

Knock Knock.

At this point it confirmed that obviously someone was at your door, but you didn't want to leave the confinement of your warm shower, sighing while running your fingers through your hair you shouted, "WHO IS IT?!" the words echoed loudly throughout the bathroom but not any further, you tried again and again but the knocking just carried on.

Irritated and now cold, you trotted towards your dressing gown, you knew it wasn't Kylo, Kylo normally just struts in without any word of warning and Hux leaves annoying little messages telling you to hurry the god damn up and in 30 seconds he was shooting down your door.

So, who could it be?

"HOLD ON! Jeez" you shouted again, finally the door stopped making noises. Irritated at how someone could be so god damn annoying you strutted towards the door, knowing fully well you were leaving a horrid trail of water behind you, while your hair hung around your waist, while your feet made horrid squishing noises as you moved across the black tiled floor.

Punching in the 12-digit code to unlock your door, you pulled it too. To be met with none other than the Solo Stormtrooper yet again.

"What?" you muttered "Can't you see I'm busy?" you sighed, looking angry and bothered.

However, the stormtrooper just stood there, emotionless and mute.

"Hello?" you muttered sarcastically "Are you deaf or something" you stepped toward and pushed against his chest plate, but you weren't expecting the next set of actions to happen.

The stormtrooper collapsed, motionless and lifeless upon the floor, you instantly pulled your hand back towards your chest not quite knowing what to do "Hey are you okay?!" you asked in a slightly higher pitched voice, you tiptoed towards the lifeless stormtrooper "Hey, oh c'mon don't die on me!" you bent down to press against his neck to find a pulse, thankfully you had found one but it didn't explain the fainting Stormtrooper outside your door, pounding against it just 30 seconds ago, now did it?!.

You turned around to see if anyone was around but with no luck. Normally no one was near the Bed Quarters at this time of day, normally it was only you. "Hello?" you shouted just to make sure however you couldn't quite shake off the eery feeling that someone was watching you?

Didn't help that you were butt naked underneath your robe and you hadn't exactly taken the "safety" steps in which was to NOT leave your room but instead you adventured out.

Not knowing what to really do, you stood up again and walked steadily towards your door, you reached around the door frame to grab the communicator within you room but suddenly a hand was around your mouth, another around your waist crushing the air out of your lungs.

"Wha!" You muffled out. You struggled and hard, you knew that this was either someone playing a prank upon the ship or someone had somehow boarded the Star Destroyer without Kylo, Hux or anyone noticing and as that thought ran through your mind, you felt a strong, sharp pain hit you on the back of your neck and then darkness.

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