Hospital - Chapter 12. Edit

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It had been days since you had woken up, apparently when you collapsed you had slept for 4 days in a horrid, terrible fever in which the medical bay on the Star Killer had been turned upside down with the fear that when Kylo returned and found you, unconscious running the highest fever anyone aboard the Star Killer had ever seen everyone would die a horrible death.

But luckily after the third day the fever broke and your body temperature returned to a reasonable temperature, though what worried them most was how you weren't waking up. Of course, they kept you on a 24-hour constant watch and if anyone noticed a slight change in your condition the head nurse and doctor was to be informed immediately, as well as General Hux.

It still had you giggle that when the head Nurse of the medical bay told you that when you fainted General Hux practically fainted himself, one minute he's winding you up on how terribly useless you were then bam you fling the chair you're sitting in across the room and proceed to almost strangle yourself and then faint, the nurse burst into tears every time she thought of the memory.

This little tad of information made you think to yourself that you were going to use this against Hux, I mean the guy practically forced this awakening upon you, right? You were going to make him sweat for a while.

Funnily enough though, you weren't allowed to leave the medical bay. After informing the head doctor, Hux and Snoke about your sudden awakening, Snoke ordered a series of testing to be done, they picked up on your obvious "powers" beginning to awake, so to keep everyone safe and you, yourself mostly you were kept in the medical bay just in case anything else happened. Since just after you awoke you told the nurse that you couldn't see every well, and everything was way too bright! The doctor then explained that because of the flux of power running through your body it was messing with your sixth senses, your sense was being heightened for a short period of time, especially your eyesight. No lights could be on around you and if they were, they had to be set to the lowest setting to make sure that no damage was done, so that also made you giggle that everyone in the medical bay was walking around aimlessly making sure not to bump into chairs or tables!

Horribly though the sudden power movement throughout your body left you pretty weak, you couldn't control some of the things that happened around you like for instant you completely shorting out the electricity in the medical bay and the corridors for a few hours or the sudden moments when your bed sets would randomly combust. You couldn't stand without help and whenever you needing to pee, someone else had to take you, that seriously ticked you off. You were only ___ years old! You didn't need someone to wipe your own arse! Kylo was not going to heard about this.

Ah, speaking of Kylo. Bummer is that he isn't upon the Star Killer, apparently after a traitor Storm Trooper escaped with the resistance fighter called "Po?" you think that was the name the nurse told you and the storm troopers' number was FN-2187, it creeped you out that Kylo, Hux and Phasma had only given these storm troopers horrible code names. You knew that they had to fall in line but to give them horrible codenames and not actual names! harsh.

Oh Phasma? You asked. You and her funnily enough became quite close these past few days, you notice her come in and out occasionally when she needed to be patched up or someone had been out of line and she gave them a good speaking too. (More like beating) but you were going to let that one slide since she was so god damn tall. Apparently, Phasma was Kylo's close and personal Trooper, she was a high ranking superior and she had her own fleet of Storm Troopers, she also told you that the storm trooper who escaped and betrayed the First Order was from her group as well. Which you could see on her face sent rage coursing through her whole body.

Thankfully, being able to speak to Phasma kept yourself sane and thankfully after your newfound friendship Phasma would pop in and out regularly to make sure you were fine. It struck you as odd how you hadn't met her even though you had been on the Star Killer for months now...

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