Kylo Ren - Chapter Two. - EDIT

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(Hi Hi, Just to let you know I'm writing on my phone for this one so sorry for any horrid spellings or something)

As you woke to the cold draft of an empty room, fear struck you. You tried to move but the restraints held you tightly, a whimper slipped through your lips.

What had happened? You remember the figure in black, the guy who was kneeling next to you and then pain a lot of pain after that nothing seemed to click.

You were brought out of your thinking trance when something behind you suddenly made a loud noise, clenching your hands together you braced yourself for whatever was coming for you.

"I Hope you are comfortable?" The figure in black snickered.

At first, it took you a while to even progress what had been said; your brain was still rolling around, hitting every tip of your skull.

"Excuse me?" You muttered, surprised at how groggy your voice sounded.

The figure in black stopped in front of you staring, the character in black never moved a muscle until you felt a sudden surge of sheer and absolute pain running through your head.

"PLEASE!" you shouted, you thought the slap across the face hurt but nothing, nothing at all compared to this.

Tears streamed down your face as the fear of the unknown began to rumble through your head.

Then nothing. ..

No pain, gasping for air you hung your head forward. Without warning you dropped to the floor, no energy to muster. You just fell colliding with the metal floor.

The figure in black now loomed over you. Not looking down at you even for a second, just staring straight ahead as if your existence made no difference.

"It seems I have picked up something... Rather unique". The figure began to reach for the back of his mask, releasing the pressure and pulling it off gracefully.

Your eyes widened at the surprise. You couldn't exactly tell at first if it was at a man or a woman who was behind the mask because of the voice changer but now it made sense, he stood there with an eerie grace about him.

Dark, cold eyes like the void of space, jet black hair and a tall but strengthening height, you'd always envied tall people, and now you knew why.

You didn't want to speak or even mutter a single word; you felt like you'd been here a thousand years and sustained horrifying torture in which you couldn't remember also having...

Instead, you curled into a ball, pushing your knees' to your chest and hugged yourself. It always worked when nothing was going right for you usually, making sure to keep yourself tightly snuggled up you sighed feeling a tiny ounce of relief but even that wouldn't last, and you knew it.

"Why so afraid?" He muttered "Normally I would have killed you since your not of any worth. I've already got the information about the map" he turned facing the opposite way now "But it's pointless speaking to you about this since you have no idea what I am talking about".

Now he understands but how did he find out? Worry crawled over your thoughts again.

A low husky chuckle rippled from the direction of where he was.

"Child, I was reading your thoughts. You're too open with your mind".

You froze. Is my mind open? But...

I've never tried to close it, why would I need to. No one you knew could read minds. Well, other than your mother who ALWAYS knew when you were lying.

"How amusing" he chuckled again, this time he paced forward. He bent down looking straight into your eyes, you didn't dare look away, but you noticed something within his sights.

Amusement? No, it didn't seem like that. You began to unravel yourself and sat on your bottom facing straight into his.

It wasn't amusement then what? You silently thought to yourself. Without even thinking about your reactions you touched his left cheek and then his right gently grasping the sides of his face to get a better look.

Now that you had a better and more transparent view, you noticed he was incredibly handsome...

I mean extremely. He could win your heart in a second.

And on that thought he pulled away not aggressively, he had done it gently as not to jolt or give too much motion to your body.

But none the less he turned back to look into your direction again "what a strange being you are" and without warning, he picked you up. Allowing you to sit comfortably on his right arm.

Your first thought was to grip and grip hard just in case you fell but as the seconds past, as you walked through what seemed to be some ship, you began to relax. Turning you looked behind you which was actually forward; he started adjusting your position so you could see.

As you scanned the surroundings, you noticed more and more of the soldiers that captured you but they looked all the same?

"It's because they are all the same" filled with nothing but dead emotion, he had answered your question. "They are stormtroopers; they do not have any other function other than to serve and be loyal".

You stared at him, not entirely shocked at that outcome but it still gave a horrid chill down your spine "So their slaves?" You muttered.

He shook his head "They are not slaves, but they are not free to do as they please". He then turned into your eye line.

Without nothing to say back, you merely nodded and returned to glance at the surrounding around you.

You let your thought run wild, no point hiding now right? I mean he can read minds and all...

You smiled at the thought, at least you didn't have to keep things bottled up now, it made it easier for you.

"Oh, is that how you see it as?' He muttered, but a hint of amusement could be heard.

You blushed at the thought that he could really hear your thoughts "Well, it's not a complete waste I mean you now know that I'm not apart of whatever that name thing was again?" You strained your injured brain cells to remember the name "Resistance thing?".

"Stop" he barked, the sheer force of the command made you shiver with fear, which made you stiffen at the thought of any more pain.

But that wasn't the case you felt his free hand stroke the side of your injured face. "It seems I hit too hard" surprised at the sheer emotion of worry or concern in his voice you turned to look at him once more, but this time his facial expression showed, much more his face was crunched up in so much pain that it began to squeeze at your heart as well.

You stuttered out your sentence "It doesn't hurt that much" you lied it hurt so much that even blinking made you flinch.

He sighed "remember your mind is open" which made you feel even more guilty "I'm sorry". Clenching the fabric of his cloak beneath your hands.

You trusted him, but you didn't know why? Maybe because he believed you back. You mentally shook yourself. That couldn't be it, you glanced back down at him, but he seemed oblivious, you knew he could hear your thoughts, but he doesn't pick up or react to all of them which made you smile.

You could trust him.

"Hey" you muttered, he didn't react he simply replied, "What is it?".

You know exactly what it is I want to ask, you sighed.

"Just because I can hear and read your mind doesn't make it all convenient, ask with your mouth" he spoked irritated with the sheer thought of being used.

You chuckled under your breath, which struck a raised eyebrow from him "Alright, alright I'll ask instead then. What is your name? Mysterious man in black". You could see the amusement on his face at your remark.

"Kylo Ren, that is my name" suddenly the sheer eerie darkness returned to his face...

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