Sleep - Chapter 49. EDIT

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Your eyes fluttered open, the room was dark, and you could hear the aircon humming quietly keeping the place at a decent and comfortable temperature.

Your eyes locked onto a familiar back, Kylo's. You could hear his shallow breathing as his chest inhaled and then exhaled, a smile swept on your face. But the reality of the situation hit like a train; you had fainted in the shower after orgasming. 'Oh, my god' you thought as your hands reached up to your face, covering all the shame you felt was printed on it.

'How could you just faint like that?' your thoughts swam around like a hamster on speed. 'Is Kylo angry with you?' the thought of him being angry sent shivers down your spine 'Like is it normal to faint in a shower after an orgasm?' Still feeling the heat on your face, you pushed yourself up to notices that yes, you were still naked. Thankfully, it wasn't unpleasant in the room, even though you have the ability to adapt to temperatures and can somewhat manipulate fire and ice, didn't mean you should just suddenly use your powers like switching on a light, it still took time for you to muster up the energy and concentration to do so.

As you swung your bare legs off of the bed, removing the bed sheets covering you. You walked over to the make-shift dressers you had and pulled out your underwear. Yes, you were naked, and yes Kylo had pretty much seen everything but waking up cold wasn't something you enjoyed, you weren't going to get dressed completely, put on some panties and a t-shirt would be fine.

Behind you, you heard Kylo shuffle around in his sleep, mumbling slightly as he turned over now facing towards you, still in a deep sleep. You'd never seen someone else asleep before, especially sleeping in the same bed, it was strange, but it also sent a bolt of happiness through you. Meeting Kylo was probably the most fantastic thing to happen in your life sure there were some ups and downs, but most of the time they'd work themselves out, sending it all back to happy vibes.

As you'd finally finished getting yourself appropriately dressed or what you thought was appropriately dressed for sleeping, you climbed back into bed, Kylo must have felt your movement as his eyes fluttered open, sleep still had a hold on him but his sense of his surroundings still kept him in check.

Pulling back some of his hair out of his face and behind his ear, you muttered softly to him "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I was just getting dressed" you were kneeling beside him, gently playing with his hair. He shook his head slightly "I could sense that you'd woken up, but I gathered you wanted to get dressed" His hand now gently caressing one of your cheeks "You okay? Nothing hurts?" He mustered up after yawning. You nodded, smiling at his sheer tired state "I'm fine. Nothing hurts except maybe my pride at fainting after orgasming, but well I didn't know you had such a way with your hands, Mr. Ren". You bite down on your bottom lip, not knowing where you were treading and whether or not this conversation would get awkward.

He chuckled, pushing himself up onto his elbow, you could see the outlining of his abs which sent a happy but buzzing shock through your stomach, he dropped his hand away from your face and grasped your hand "No at all. Only for you my dear and if you fainted every time after I made a move on you I would think I did a good job, no?". He smugly answered, pushing himself up and crossing his legs, planting a kiss on your lips, you kissed him back it wasn't a long or passionate kiss just a soft peak on the lips.

Your face grew a crimson blush, as you gently slapped his arm "I'd be slightly worried if that happened, Kylo. I would think after a while you were purposely trying to break me" you winked as you moved forward, laying down onto his chest, he gently pushed backwards lying down himself, you were on your side, facing upwards to him. Your head gently placed on his chest while he gently drew circular lines on your back.

Kylo let out a small but unhappy groan like that of a young child thinking of school in the morning. "We're going to have to report to Hux and Supreme Leader Snoke in the morning, we've held off long enough". He sighed.

You chuckled, pushing off of him and lying down next to him "Better than leaving it any longer, he'll be furious with me anyways because I failed to execute the mission properly and almost got myself killed in the process. You groaned "He'll be thinking of horrid ways to train me like a Spartan again; I know it" You didn't like where your thoughts were leading.

Kylo helped with the distraction by bumping his forehead against yours "You know what, lets worry about this in the morning. For now, let's just sleep". He closed his eyes, placing his arm over your waist.

"Let's" you muttered back.

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