Forwards - Chapter 14. EDIT

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Again, your thoughts began to run wild and with the freedom of your own mind playing tricks, you fell into a restless, haunting sleep.

You couldn't exactly tell what was going on but everything within your dreams were hostile, ready to kill and rip you apart bit by bit and whatever came at you, you couldn't defend yourself. Every lash, every bite and every punch, kick and slap hit you with great force.

"What the hell is going on?!" you muttered to yourself, on guard but knowing little you could do to stop the attacks.

Everything was ready to rip you apart but everything that was around you couldn't be seen and why you asked? You had no idea, sometimes the shapes would take little forms before attacking which allowed you to brace for the impact but other than that you just had to take the force of the blows, which really didn't seem much anymore your legs had become jelly and your arms, god your arms were screaming with the pain of defending or trying to defend your face, this went on for hours or so it seemed, you couldn't quite tell. Normally, if you were having a nightmare the head Nurse would wake you up instantly but from what you could identify, you were most definitely not having a nightmare.

"Jesus, if this isn't a nightmare. Just let it be something that DOESN'T hurt me physically" you snorted at this sentence as it flew out of your mouth, how ironic that you didn't want any physical pain to your actual body when you were fine with it here; pft, not a change.

"How in the god damn world am I supposed to stop these attacks?" you shouted, bracing yourself for another round of blows.

Now had become the 50th round of blows, how you asked? Because your brain was counting them as they came. You needed to know how much longer your body would hold out before it collapsed and from the state of your legs, not much longer. "C'mon, c'mon!" you screamed now obviously pissed at the thought of losing "You're just here to fucking break me! Well guess what?! I'm not breaking! Pft, I may be weak and pathetic but even I hate to lose when I have no idea who I'm fighting! At least stop being a coward and come out and fight me, fair and square!" You threw down your arms, showing who ever or whatever it was attacking you that you'd had enough, you meant business and business was what they were going to get.

"C'mon then! Obviously, you're not scared to beat up a girl! But now that I've actually started fighting back, you're running away?! HA! No happening!" Rage had become your new friend, the emptiness in which had consumed you now was being replaced by pure, raw rage and god did it feel good.

"Well?" you shouted again into the darkness "Are we going to get this over and done with?!" you flung your right hand into the direction of the seeping, oozing black abyss and continued to throw abuse at it but nothing happened, it was if you had stopped it with your own will.

"What, now that I'm kicking to go you've stopped?" clenching your fists, you tried again and again for the attacks to start but nothing happened, as if your courage to keep fighting had stopped any upcoming assaults. Still, you braced yourself for anymore that would follow, you wouldn't let your guard down anymore, you were tired of people walking over you and getting exactly what they wanted.

Snoke? He could go fuck himself. Only keeping you alive for his benefit, what about your benefit! The shadows began to shake and shiver against your thoughts. It felt good to finally release all the anger you had storage up, even though you knew Kylo could read your thoughts and feel your feelings he couldn't access all of them, you were used to keeping half of your emotions in check and keeping them hidden but now? You were going to ride the storm that came, you had enough of this stupid universe and the chains it had for you, your powers? Well fuck them and all. If you must be weak then you'd rather not have them!

As this thought ran through your mind, the shadows began to disburse. Running, melting, combusting almost as if your thoughts about your powers were the trigger all along, wait?

All along, were you the reason why your powers were refusing to accept you? You knew that when some people awoke their powers wouldn't allow themselves to be controlled, used or even accessed they'd allow you to become weak and then when no one is expecting it, it would eat you from the inside.

"So, you were my powers?" you questioned, feeling a little hurt you own powers which lingered within you for god knows how many years, free of charge and hadn't paid rent were being to have a rave inside of you...

This seriously pissed you off "Oh, so you decide once you'd had enough of free loading off me inside and finally decide to pop your little ugly head and thought oh, she's pretty weak we'll have a little tantrum and see what happens?" you muttered, biting down hard upon your bottom lip "Well guess what? No more Miss. Sunshine. You don't like it here then get the fuck out!" flinging your left arm out, as if toward the remaining shadows what was coming, egging the shadows to come forward to begin to gesture with your right hand to come forward, daring the shadows to fight.

However, they simply just floated around again minding their own business as if your little outburst of rage and complete "no fucks given" was your brother Nagi would put it had quieted them down.

Strangely enough, so had you. The outburst and felt great and everything you had caged up tightly within yourself had finally been let free, you had no more worries, no more regrets and what was left? You shrugged, nothing.

Nothing but what was to come next.

You smiled "I like the sound of that". chuckling under your breath as you placed your hands upon your hips, placing yourself down into a crouching position, no more worry and no more regret.

Everything started now.

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