Steam! - Chapter 46. EDIT

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Your face blushed a bright red, and imaginary steam exploded from your ears. Kylo chuckled removing himself from your personal space and walked over to the drawers where he kept his towels.

Even the thought of just seeing Kylo naked brought butterflies raging through your stomach but the thought of letting such an opportunity go, was almost too hard to bare. As he turned around to look at you, you puffed out your bright red cheeks and muttered to him "Don't you dare laugh at my chubby body!" as you crossed your arms.

Kylo's expression changed as he stepped forward towards you and placed a kiss on your forehead "Why would I laugh at you?" He smiled, as he turned away, walking towards the bathroom door and smirked "Just the thought of seeing you naked is driving me crazy" his voice was low and husky which sent a shiver up your spine, at least you weren't the only one!

Walking over to your own makeshift draws, you began pulling out all the clothing and essentials you needed, but Kylo interrupted your work "You won't need them" he shouted through the bathroom door "The rooms stay pretty warm, so you'll just need the towel to move about with". You cursed yourself internally; you were about to bring all of your sleepwear and underwear into the bathroom, damn it.

You sighed and began your walk of shame to the bathroom. As you entered, you'd noticed Kylo had already flung all of his clothes off into the hamper and had nothing, but a towel wrapped around his waist, your face lit up like the fourth of July. "OH MY GOD" ran through your mind at lightning speed, but poor Kylo's mind was being slammed with overly loud thoughts of his nakedness.

As he winced at the loud comments through your thoughts, he turned away from the bathroom mirror with shaving foam on his face and sighed "Love, stop shouting your thoughts. I'm in a towel; you'll be seeing a lot more in the shower" a smirk appeared as he winked at you.

You didn't know whether or not your heart was going to physically be able to handle all of this excitement. Obviously, you'd thought up scenarios of seeing Kylo naked, accidentally walking into his room while he was changing and many, many other situations which you'd forcefully had to stop picturing because Kylo's smirk through the mirror was growing larger and larger as your thoughts ran wild.

"Stop getting all happy over there about my fantasies alright, Kylo" you rolled your eyes at him, as you pulled your V-neck tunic over your head. Allowing Kylo to see everything from your waist up, you had a bra on; it was a cute black laced, complete coverage bra, it was one of your favourites.

"It seems one of mine, as well now" Kylo chirped. You turned your view towards him as you saw his eyebrows wiggle through the mirror. You laughed "if you think this is the only cute or sexy bra, I have Kylo, you're in for a serious surprise" you began removing the pads that were covering your chest from the machine that kept track of your heartbeat. But it was more challenging then you thought "Damn it". Kylo heard your frustration and looked at you in the mirror "Need a hand?" He asked, quite seriously. You rolled your eyes "Just because I'm in my bra Kylo doesn't give you the idea to get a feel" you said sarcastically.

Kylo clinked his razor against the sink and began running the water over his face, removing the remaining foam on his face and turned towards you, moving slower than usual. He ruffled your hair "Not what I meant" He said, rolling his eyes at you "Medousa had mentioned getting these things off would be hard, they're made to stick not get pulled off" he mentioned. You nodded; you could feel the suction on your skin at how good they were at sticking!

After a good five minutes at both of your pulled at the pads and then a few times of you begging Kylo to stop pulling the god damn sticky sides off, the pads had finally released your skin. You rubbed the swollen, red skin and sulked "Who in the right mind sticks THOSE kinds of pads onto a person's bare skin!" you shouted.

Kylo chuckled, placing his hand carefully over the areas' which were now red and sore and answered your question "Because there on people who would easily rip them off if they didn't". You rolled your eyes at him and continued to undress, grabbing one of the towels beside you to cover yourself up, while simultaneously removing your clothes like a magic show.

One of Kylo's eyebrows rose up "You do know you'll be taking that off in 30 seconds, right?" he questioned. Your shoulders dropped "you really cannot let this go, can you?" your thoughts squeaked through the air. As Kylo turned entering the shower, as he opened the door all the steam began to cover the room you could still see his feet and just make out his hands but what was really noticeable was the towel now on the floor which was most certainly around Kylo's waist a moment ago.

Your face blushed another shade of red and proceeded downwards towards your feet "Oh my god" began to race through your mind again "Am I really doing this?!" a thousand thoughts ran through your mind at an unbearable speed. Of course, Kylo wasn't forcing you to get into a shower with him entirely butt naked, but your worries still proceeded to stop you from removing the towel and entering with him.

But you couldn't help it! You'd never slept with anyone let alone let them see you naked. For Christ sake, you were still a Virgin!

You heard Kylo chuckle from within the shower; this instantly set off a massive, embarrassing episode within you "Oh god" you muttered "I said that out loud, didn't I?!" you shouted across the room, clinging onto the side of the sink "Kylo! Doonnn't laaaaugh!" as you half chuckled, half wanted to die. "Stop worrying about everything" Kylo muttered back "We're not going to do anything..." he trailed off "Well not now at least".

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