Leia Of the Rebellion Part 2 - Chapter 25. EDIT

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Minutes went by and no one moved, obviously mentioning Kylo's name was bad, extremely bad. But the feelings you had deep inside felt pulsing through you, making you feel as if you did the right thing, Leia was Kylo/Ben's mother. She had the right to know you had been at her son's side.

Leia stiffened her facial expression into one of stone "So you've met my Ben, have you?".

You nodded, slightly uncomfortable with Kylo been called ben since he had told you countless times that his original name "Ben" and the person he used to be, died a long time ago.

Leia could see your discomfort and proceeded to fling her right hand out, commanding everyone to leave the room. "I would like to have some time with this young woman". You stiffened. What was going to happen? And what in the hell would you talk about?!

Everyone cleared the room only seconds after Leia had given the order. Interesting you thought.

Leia slowly walked over to your side, sliding past your side and releasing the restraints on your wrists, allowing you to move your arms about.

Instantly, having them released you checked on the damage, only slight marks showed. Not that it matters but if they had been worse Kylo might really lose it.

You turned into Leia's view and asked "What would you like to talk about? Though, I cannot be sure if my information will be helpful" you shrugged.

Leia smiled, Nodding. "Probably so but I do not wish to ask you information about The First Order or your own personal details. I'd like to know about Ben" she muttered, walking ever so slightly away from you.

"Ben?" you questioned. "What would you like to know about Kylo?" you answered, trying to make the statement that he was no longer called Ben. You didn't want to sound arrogant but that was what he was called to you.

"Kylo" she muttered, leaning against the sides of the round table in the middle of the room. "He still calls himself Kylo?" she turned to you; hope could be seen behind her eyes.

You nodded "He does" you began to stretch yourself out, being on the ship and then being dragged into the base wasn't comfortable for your body, everything hurt. Not as much as the training with Kylo did but no the less it was uncomfortable.

While stretching out your arms you asked: "What would you like to know?".

Leia turned to you "What is he like?" The face of a mother showed through.

Tilting your hair to the side, you shrugged. "Unfortunately, I don't know how he was before he became Kylo but to me, he is Kylo. Now and then he gets angry, really angry and then other times you can see the sorrow deep down" you smiled at Leia, carrying on "Or how he gets frustrated when I win against him in Shogi or how smug he gets when he wins every time at arguments or sparring sessions". Thinking of Kylo had you feel at home.

Leia smiled "You seem to care about my son, quite a bit" Leia began to strut forward "Almost like you love my son?" she questioned.

You looked into her eyes "It's not almost like, I do" you answered truthfully. "I have from the beginning but there's more to our relationship than just that" your shoulders dropped ever so slightly "He doesn't see me as an object. He sees me for me".

Leia looked confused "For yourself? But you are yourself, you cannot be anyone else". She answered.

You smiled "That is what Kylo made me understand. How everyone on the Star Destroyer made me feel"? You longed for home, not your own universe or your old home but the Star Destroyer.

Looking straight into Leia's eyes "I wish to go home" you struggled against tears, but you would not let them fall.

"Home?" she questioned "The Star Destroyer or your real home?" she muttered, slightly worried.

"My home is the Star Destroyer" you answered, "It has been my home since they took me in".

Leia turned away from you. "You mean after they tortured you? Tried to get every little piece of information from you?" she muttered; anger settled on her words.

You flinched; her words hit to your core. It was true that the First Order only took you in because they decided to investigate you, torture you, break every inch of your mind and body to find what they were looking for. You grasped your left hand and turned away; you couldn't answer her.

"Or when Be-Kylo threw you into a wall because of his anger?" She turned "Or when you fainted and went into a Coma?" she asked, "were these not because of The First Order, Snoke or my Son's evil ways?".

Anger began to boil within you "Kylo threw me at the wall because I thought I was big and strong enough to withstand it. Obviously, from whoever told you I WASN'T. However, Kylo never, EVER! Did it again and do you know why?" you asked, sheer annoyance laced your words.

Leia simply nodded "Because Snoke told him so?" she flung her hand across herself into the open side space around her "Before he became Kylo, Ben did not throw tantrums, kill people or think of harming anyone. He was even training to become a JEDI!" she shouted, "But Snoke dug his evil little claws into my son and turned him into that horrid creature he is now".

Balling your hands into fists, trying to control your anger as best you could, you answered her "Before?" you questioned "Before, before, before!" you shouted back "That's all you think of! Of the Ben of the past! Who is now Kylo of the present! I'm quite glad I met Kylo and not Ben. He seems to not be half of the person or Man, the Ben you're talking about. Jedi? You mean the people who couldn't have families? Love ones?" you threw your arms out, stretching them out as far as they can go and then collapsed them again.

Then something popped into your mind, nothing that you probably shouldn't mention out loud, especially not in front of Leia, but your heart and mind were at two opposite ends of the line.

"Or are you comparing your own Son to your, Father?" you questioned.

Leia stepped back a few inches, trying to re-compose herself. "My father?" she muttered, "What do you even know of my father?" Anger lit her face.

"I know enough to know that he destroyed the planet you lived on as a child. Killed hundreds of your friends and even tried to kidnap and kill you, am I correct?" you turned away from her, walking towards the wall to your right "Or how he tried to turn your brother, Luke. Over to the dark side but in the end when his master who was trying to kill Luke ended up saving him?" you stopped in your tracks, lifting your head slightly higher than it was before "Do not think people only have a good side to them, Leia". you answered seriously.

you turned to her and placed your back against the wall, feeling alone, desperate for comfort and home "I know people who have had one or the other and then others have both" you began rubbing your eyes "Your father had both. Even yourself have both sides, Luke had to decide between the two sides within him as well". you began trailing off.

"Now Kylo is deciding for himself, whether or not the side he is with now is the side he wishes to be a part of. Whether Ben was the good side of him or not. I know that even his dark Side Kylo has a light side too". sliding down the wall onto your bottom, placing your arms upon the tops of your knees and looked into Leia's direction.

"I wish I knew more people who had both sides. Because many people who I KNOW have only one side and the others use their good side to deceive people". you sighed.

Leia froze, she hadn't expected your answers and questions in the slightest and she wouldn't have known your past, except for the information she has heard.

She sighed "It seems we both have a lot to learn" She muttered. You nodded in agreement. However, you still wanted to go back to The First Order.

Heaven knows what's going on, on the ship right now, Kylo's probably destroying every little piece of it. Hux is probably screaming his last breath at everyone and to even think about what Snoke is going to do is terrifying.

Still slouched against the wall, a few feet away from Leia, you sighed. Bumping the back of your head against the wall and mentally thought.

'Getting back is going to be a hard one'.

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