Deal - Chapter 44. EDIT

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You had luckily escaped Kylo and Medousa's wraith for about two hours before they finally caught you. You could see the steam behind Medousa's eyes as well as the fire coming from her mouth.

You knew you were in for it but, when weren't you?

However, something different happened this time. Kylo held out his arm in front of Medousa from approaching you. Which struck you as odd and it really angered Medousa.

"Kylo, what are you doing?" she muttered, angrily.

Kylo's whole body sagged with a sigh from his mouth, as he turned towards her "She's obviously not going to stay put" He answered, annoyed at his sudden development of knowing you all too well, this made you smirk. Since you and Kylo had finally developed a relationship beyond more than, friends, he began to notice more things about you, they may be little things, but it made you happy. You also began to notice little things about him before you never knew.

Medousa snapped you out of your trance "That's not the problem, Kylo and you know it! If she keeps this up, she'll never properly recover" she clicked her tongue at Kylo as she crossed her arms "She'll never learn!" she shouted.

Kylo shook his head "You know she'll never learn. Even if you force restrains on her, she'll just break out of them eventually. Snoke... has trained her exceptionally well". You smiled, Kylo hadn't seen even the tip of what you could do, but he knew Snoke never does anything half-hearted.

You were about to chirp in until Kylo answered again "I'll just have to keep an eye on her from now on, this way she'll be able to move around freely but still be supervised. Does that sound good enough?" he questioned.

Medousa stared at Kylo for a couple of seconds before answering his question "Fine. BUT. Every week". She muttered.

"Everyone week-" he spoke until Medousa cut him off with venom like words "EVERY week she must be in my Infirmary for at least four hours for check-ups and tests. These days won't be irregular either, the same day, every week". She held her ground firmly.

You were able to say something until Kylo held up his hand towards you cutting you off, you sighed and placed your chin back into your hands again and waited for them to finish.

"That shall be our deal. She'll be with you for, four hours each Friday. Do you have a specific time you'd like her there?" He said sarcastically.

She tutted and smirked "Yes, actually. 12 pm till 4 pm every Friday". Their conversation was uncomfortable, but you knew Kylo was bargaining for your release, not that it was free. You knew he had something up his sleeve what it was, was still a mystery to you but he'd let you know soon enough.

"She will be there" He answered.

She smiled, but the feel didn't show "Good" she turned upon her heels and marched off without even looking in your direction, you knew you'd royally pissed her off. You groaned, when Medousa was mad she was mad, no apologies or presents were going to make her forgive you.

Kylo sighed as he watched Medousa walk off into the distance, before turning towards you with a face that said: "Why do you do this all the time?"

You clicked your tongue "What are you expecting me to do, Kylo?" as you swung your arms out "I'm bored! I feel like I'm actually alive when I'm walking about talking to people not sitting in a bed" rolling your eyes "I'm not the same person I use to be, not completely".

He sighed "I know this but at least do this for me, you need to recover. How are you going to do that when you're straining your heart?" he pointed at your chest.

"That's playing dirty, Kylo!" you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest. He crouched down "And your suddenly up and at them disappearing acts from the ward, isn't?" he answered, smiling. Puffing out your cheeks, you nodded finally "Fine!" you answered him "So what exactly is the catch?" you asked. He smirked, pulling himself up and sitting next to you "Well, you'll be with me from now on. But you won't be going off the ship, for now, you'll help me with running the ship and other little things" you nodded, it wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be.

"Also" he answered, "You won't be staying in the infirmary anymore, you'll be staying with me". He winked. Your cheeks blushed slightly "As in co-habiting?" you shuttered.

He chuckled "Exactly" as he pecked a kiss on your forehead.

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