Get up and move On! - 43. EDIT

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It had been three weeks since you'd been brought back to the Star Destroyer. Medousa and the medical team did an excellent job, fixing you to the best that they could. You'd lost a lot of blood when you were moved to the operating table, and at one point your heart had stopped completely.

Everyone on the ship knew something was wrong, since Kylo had begun destroying everything in sight, chairs, walls, tables even coming close to slicing a few people up in the progress. But after all the slashing and destroying, he just dropped to his knees, tears stained his face as the smallest sounds were made as they collided with the ground.

Thankfully, Medousa and her team got your heart started again; you were extremely weak, but the life force within you was strong.

You told Medousa that you didn't want Kylo to see you, not at the moment. You were so weak that lifting your head was troublesome, this was mainly because your heart wouldn't stop failing at critical times the medical staff decided that putting you on an "Automated external defibrillator". To allow your heart to go back to a regular heartbeat, it also helped as well because it allowed any of the medical staff to send a shock to your heart if need be.

Now that you felt stronger you kept testing your bodies capabilities to move, of course, this meant putting more of a strain on your heart.

The Doctors' had said there would be no permanent or lasting damage to your heart but straining it while it was still trying to heal wasn't a good idea. Which meant more bed rest, which in turn made you more restless then anything. Though this didn't stop you from "mysteriously" disappearing from your bed.


You'd just snuck out for your hundredth time, you knew this drove Medousa and the medical staff mad, but you hated being in the infirmary, it brought up too many uncomfortable feelings and memories. This time, you decided you wanted to move around the ship, you'd just visited Phasma she was confused and slightly shocked to see you suddenly walking around out of nowhere when all the medical staff were rushing around.

"Let me guess; you've snuck out again?" She asked, worried but amused.

You smiled, crossing your arms over your chest. "Well, there's not a lot to do in there if you remember" you rolled your eyes "Do you remember the last time I was in there?".

She nodded "Of course. You had multiple of different tests and a strict instruction not to move or walk about" She raised one of her golden eyebrows at you "Which if I remember is the same instructions as last time" she muttered, "Still going to try and break the rules?"

You smiled at her, pushing off of the wall you were leaning against "it's good to see you again Phasma" you answered, strolling over to her. Your body was still slower than usual, the machine strapped to your chest really didn't help either. Phasma walked up to you as you both embraced each other into a hug "It's good to see you too, my friend" she muttered.

As you both pulled apart, she raised her eyebrows at you again "It was a shock to us all when you disappeared out of nowhere. Kylo seemed to have lost his mind since he couldn't hear your thoughts or feel your presence" she tutted, turning away from you, grasping a hold of a long, staff.

"Well, it's a long story but to put it bluntly Snoke told me I had to leave without letting anyone know or he wouldn't train me" you shook your head at her, as she extended the staff towards you. You pulled the t-shirt you were wearing downwards to show her your "medical" device "Best not break the damn thing". You rolled your eyes in disbelieve "The doc told me the next time I overworked my heart and broke this thing again he'd purposely install a Cardiac Pacemaker, so I best not" you shuddered.

Phasma's expression changed to confused and worried to amused "You're actually listening to medical advice?" she smiled "best be, what a great change".

You shrugged "I'd rather not have my chest cut-open again for the second time" a shiver ran up your spine. "I like being able to breathe properly and not feel like a huge giant boulder is pressing down upon my chest". You sat down next to Phasma as she began tiding up her equipment.

"So, what have you been doing all this time since I've been gone?" You asked, curious. She shrugged "We had to completely re-arrange our security patrols and re-train our Storm Troopers".

You raised an eyebrow "How comes?" you questioned, she looked up at you and smiled "Because a certain someone got kidnapped and then a few weeks later suddenly went missing. How do you think Kylo was when all that happened?" you nodded in agreement, you've obviously made life a living hell here when you decided to do your Houdini act and disappeared without a trace. You sighed and bowed your head slightly at her "Sorry" as you smiled, guilty "I forgot how much of a protective worrywart he is".

She shrugged "It was a good thing. He finally understood what he had you go through with the whole Force-sensitive girl, Rey wasn't it? She escaped with our FN-2187. I still can't believe he used our own information against us to get back onto the ship, let alone with other Rebels just to kidnap you!" She squeaked, anger was something that Phasma had for Finn, not that the feeling was mutual or anything. You tutted "Believe me, your FN-2187 or Finn as he calls himself now, was not and still isn't in my good books. He's lucky I didn't kick his ass as well as Rey" you smirked.

Phasma nodded, chuckling. "Good to see your spirit hasn't died down, even if your body was slight" you pointed at your machine pads around your chest monitoring your heart.

You shrugged "It won't be long, my friend" you answered, tapping her on the shoulder as you stood up. "Where are you going now?" she asked, stepping back.

you turned back towards her while you kept walking "Away before they find me here" you winked.

As you turned around towards the door again, Phasma called out to you "Just remember Medousa has Kylo on her side now. You won't be able to hide for long" she smirked.

Just as you were out of her slight, you turned back towards her one last time before entirely disappearing "Oh, I'm counting on it". You smirked while waving at her. Phasma just shook her head, she knew you loved games but boy did your enjoyment get even worse.

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