Training - Part 2 - Chapter 34. EDIT

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Remembering back only six days ago seems like an eternity now. But because Snoke showed you a way of somewhat controlling your own powers, you'd thankfully made steady development in this area at least.

You began to pull yourself up, upon your feet. gripping and releasing your hands, you picked up the plain sword which you had only used minutes ago against a Knight of Ren, gripping it hard enough to show the whites of your knuckles. The Blue flame began to elegantly dance across the sword, covering every surface of the blade, panting at the sheer pressure you now had placed upon yourself and as sudden as the flame appeared it was gone.

Sweat dripped from your face, you had found a common way of allowing your powers to manifest, not as much as you had hoped but it still bared fruit, you tried for days after Snoke had shown/told you how to manipulate your powers but after countless times of trying you couldn't manifest enough Anger to spark off another event like it did that day. So, you thought of another way, another possibility maybe your anger is only the key to unlocking its potential and it needed something much, much more to sustain it.

That something, you still hadn't figured out yet.

Dropping the hand that held the sword to your side, you sighed. Looking up at the ceiling. You wanted to get better, to succeed more to become more then what you're already are. Passion, pride, envy or even shame couldn't quite grasp the feeling you felt continuously since you got to Snoke's Ship, you needed much, much more training to get there.

Suddenly one of the doors to the room opened. Another Knight of Ren appeared, this Knight did not carry any weapon. Turning towards the Knight, you bowed. Without even any acknowledgement the Knight of Ren charged at you. With every ounce of force, the Knight pointed it all at you.

Barely dodging the attack, cartwheeling backwards, you began to brace yourself for more on-coming assaults. hand to Hand combat was your favourite of all combats, it meant you were getting up close and personal with your opponent. Another attack came, this time the Knight aimed straight for your neck, normally you wouldn't think much when someone is aiming at your neck with a fist but these Knights of Ren knew every kind of deadly attack possible even with a fist they could kill you in an instant. Bracing yourself, you pulled both arms up to cover your neck and your face but without warning the Knight changed his target aiming for your left side just above your hip, without even thinking of your next move you left leg rose up to counterattack the assault. The Knights Fist collided with your shin, you flinched at the immense pain rolled through your leg. But you knew that the attacks would keep coming, you needed to stay alert. The Knight stepped back, eyeing you up looking for the next best possible opening to attack.

gently placing your leg foot down on the floor, balancing your body weight on both feet, readying yourself for another attack, you braced your arms in front of you, like a boxing stance. Staring hard at the Knight, trying to read any movements.

This time the Knight flung his right leg high in the air, the first connection would be your head. You raised your right leg up, closely stacked against your body, your knee pressed against your shoulder, your arm up covering the left side of your head and face and braced for impact. The Knights Shin connected with the side of your thigh, slightly pushing you backwards. The pain still time wasn't as bad since it wasn't bone meeting bone. But this time you weren't going to let the Knight have a chance of pushing back and looking for another opening, pushing the Knight's leg away, you ducked down and proceeded with a leap into the Knight's personal space, you were now directly in front of the Knight, inches away for the Knights helmet, Striking your right leg up high, you aim was to connect your foot with the bottom of the Knight's chin but not all plans go so well, the Knight clicked on to your plan before you even knew, silently gliding a few inches backwards your foot completely missing its target. Another assault glided across the space between you, the Knights knee collided with your rib cage crushing the air of your body, sending you into the floor.

Trying to catch your breath but the pain wouldn't allow it, still lying on the floor, still struggling to breathe the Knight appeared above you, sailing the heel of his foot down on you. You grunted as you pulled both your arms and legs up to protect yourself, the weight of the Knight's attack was heavy, Heavy enough to buckle your defence, you quickly rolled to your right way from the Knight. Quickly bracing yourself up on your hands and knees you looked up at the Knight still in the stance from when the Knight tried to heel kick you. Still panting, you got up and braced yourself for another attack.

Hours passed.

And finally, you admitted to defeat. The Knight had kicked you black and Blue as you laid upon the floor, you tried to get back up, but your body had no strength left to muster, everything you had was gone. Now you laid on the floor slightly on your side, one hand pressed against the floor trying to push you up, the other under your body. Your head tilted downwards as your hair flung in all directions, covering your now bruised face, without warning all light vanished from your view, darkness snarled your vision, your body colliding with the floor.

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