Chapter 1: I feel so reckless

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Hello reader <3. Here is the first chapter, I hope you enjoy it!

I walked through the path in the woods leading to the abandoned house that I took pictures of. My camera bounced against my thigh as I walked through the dimly lit dirt path. It had been months since I had last been here for a photo shoot, and this was one of the first times I had gone alone.

I liked coming here for photoshoots, the emptiness and darkness were perfect for my style of photos. Coming here to take photos was relaxing to me, and it was a perfect way to turn my lifelong hobby into money. 

I finally approached the abandoned house, and I realized that something seemed off, the house looked cleaner on the outside than I remembered. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket only to realize that my phone was dead. There was no point texting my roommate Ellie anymore. I crawled up the ladder to the second-floor window. I pulled the window open and walked inside.

The room was dark as it always was and I pulled out the flashlight from my backpack and turned it on. I heard some shuffling, but I just attributed it to the warm Florida breeze. 

"George?" someone groaned "I thought your flight wasn't coming in until tomorrow."

You turned your flashlight around to be greeted by a tall dirty blonde with spectacular green eyes laying in a bed inside a fully furnished room

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed and flicked my flashlight off. "Oh my fucking god I'm so sorry, this place used to be abandoned and I didn't realize that people moved in. Oh my god, I'm so sorry I'll just leave sorry again. Shit," I turned around to face the window again.

I could hear that the man got up and scuffled around, and the room was suddenly filled with light. I turned around to face him. He was hot. There was no better way of putting it, he had gorgeous dirty blonde hair and eyes that looked like emeralds. I could feel myself getting red. I looked down as he pulled on a shirt.

"I'll just leave, I'm so sorry." I turned towards the window to leave.

"What are you doing here," He asked with a stern but confused tone.  "Also the door is the other way"

"Ah fuck right sorry."

"You still haven't told me why you are in my house" His voice was sleepy. God, it was hot.

"Umm... well I mean this used to be an abandoned house, and I came to take pictures." I said lifting my camera "I'll just go now, I'm so sorry"

"It's fine you didn't know. Let me walk you out."

I was shocked by this man's kindness, I was so reckless, and he just treated me politely even though I had literally just broken into his house. As we were heading towards the front door, A million thoughts ran through my head, 'why didn't I charge my phone' 'ugh I'm such an idiot, I should have checked first' 'this dude could totally kidnap me' 'is he looking at me?'. My anxiety made me worry and hug my camera closer to me. I looked around and noticed that the house had been redone, it looked clean, nothing like it did when I was last here. We got to the front door, and I started to walk back the way I came to my house.

"What are you doing?"

"What?" I turned around to face him standing in the doorway

"What are you doing?"

"I'm walking home"

"Why are you walking home, it's like 1 am and we live in Orlando, why don't you like order an uber or something?"

"My phone is dead," I said, pulling out my dead phone from my back pocket.

"Let me order you one"

"What, no I already like broke into your house, I can't intrude more"

"Please, I'll feel like shit if I don't."

"Fine." I said, making my way back to the house, "I see your mom raised you well."

"I'm sure she'd be happy to hear that," he said while looking down at his phone. "Where am I having you dropped off?"

"Ummm Okay stranger danger, I don't even know your name, and you already want my address, that's a little forward don't cha think?"

"Okay then why don't you put it in yourself?" he said, handing me his phone. "You order the uber then. It's Clay by the way"

"Y/N," I said, taking his phone and sending it to my house. I handed the phone back to him "It will be here in 5 minutes."

We stood in silence for like thirty seconds before he broke the silence



"You are a photographer huh?" Clay said, his eyes pointing at my camera.

" I mean yeah, It's a big hobby of mine, I want to be a programmer though, I'm still in college, well I mean not right now obviously it's June, but yeah, you get it."

"That's super cool," He said, "I'm super into code too"

"Do you go to college around here then?"

"No, I just took a bunch of classes in high school, and my friends are pretty into it too." He said. We sat in a weird silence again. "Can I see any of your pictures? I - agh that's so stupid of me your phone is dead sorry"

"Oh no it's fine, I have an Instagram account if you wanted to look, its @U/N (username)"

He pulled out his phone and opened up Instagram and looked at my account. "Oh my god, you are really talented! That's so cool!!" He kept scrolling "Wait is that my house?"

"Yeah, like I said before you redid the whole thing I came here to take lots of pictures."

"That's pretty pog," He said, clicking the follow button. 

I nodded my head in a state of confusion because of the word he used, but ignored it and thanked him anyway. "Thank you." I blushed "I really appreciate it. It's a big passion of mine, and I'm really glad you think it's good."

A light grey sedan pulled up to the front of the house, and it matched the one that was shown on the app. 

"Umm, goodbye I guess, thank you for the uber, and I'm really sorry for breaking into your house."

"Yeah I should really install better locks on this house, have a good trip back home"

I opened the door to the backseat of the car and sat down, I waved goodbye and sat in silence the whole ride home.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note

That's the end of the chapter y'all I hope you enjoyed it, just getting some introductions out there. Also, I was totally inspired by something I saw on tik tok lol. ANyways, remember to drink some water and get something to eat. You are amazing and I love you


Word Count 1054. 

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