Chapter 33: We know the game, and we're gonna play it

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"Wait no Tommy I want to be red," Jack said

"Red is my brand Jack, Be grey or something I don't know," Tommy said, grabbing the last red ball from the container of golf balls. Jack rolled his eyes and reluctantly grabbed the grey ball. I grabbed the light purple ball, since that was the only color that hadn't been chosen, and thanked the woman working at the counter for her patience, and walked outside to join the group.

We had decided to go to a mini-golf course nearby the house, it was filled with all sorts of cool decorations and statues. It was pirate-themed, so there were waterfalls, shipwrecks, and barrels scattered around the course. We decided it was best to split up into two groups, so it was me, Dream, Quackity, Sapnap, George, and Karl in one group, and then Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, Jack, and Niki were together in the other group. We let the brits go first. Well not actually, Tommy just decided that they were going first, so we allowed it to happen.

"Sooo Dream," Quackity said as we waited for the first group to go. "Are there any stakes attached to this fun little game of mini-golf?"

Dream rolled his eyes. "I don't know, are there any stakes attached to the mini-golf game, Quackity?"

"Oh!" Karl said, "I have an idea."

"Oooh What's your idea, Mr. Jacobs?" I said.

"How about the loser has to do that parkour course above the arcade in the building?"

"Oh my god nooooo" George and Dream said at the same time.

"See!" Karl said, "No one wants to do it, so it's a perfect punishment for the loser."

"I like it, Karl. " Quackity said. "How about to make it even better, I'll give the winner a crisp 50."

"Is it your crisp 50?" Sapnap asked.


"I rolled my eyes, "You guys can't just steal from Dream so regularly."

"Whatever, it's fine" Dream said "Let's play, Ladies first."

I smiled at Dream's nice motion while there was a chorus of scoffs and 'simp' from the others, but I didn't mind. I placed my ball at the beginning of the course which had a barrel with a cutout in the middle leading to the hole. I aimed slightly, and then hit the ball around the barrel, not wanting to take a chance. It went pretty close to the hole but likely needed an extra tap-in.

George went after me, placing his blue ball down and hitting it through the barrel and almost rolling into the hole, but going past it instead. Quackity took the same strategy as me but hit his ball much harder and it almost rolled it out of the brick walls, but George stopped with his foot. Karl rolled his teal ball through the barrel, and Sapnap did the same, but Dream rolled his through, but somehow not quite hard enough and it got stuck in the middle of the barrel, which earned him a few extra strokes putting him in a last-place position.

We played on and the scores remained pretty consistent. Dream, who was pretty cocky and competitive the whole car ride about his amazing skill, was failing pretty miserably, and he was put in last, pretty far behind quackity, who was in 5th. George was in first and was being really cocky and annoying about it to Dream and Quackity the whole time. Karl, Sapnap, and I found nothing short of hilarious, probably egging him on.

We were just waiting on the 11th hole where there was a waterfall where Dream pulled me aside in a passage behind the waterfall.

"Hi Dreamy boy," I said while he had me pressed against the wall facing away from the waterfall. "How's the game goiー" I was cut off by an abrupt kiss on the lips. I pressed my lips deeper into his, allowing his tongue to dominate mine as he pressed me farther towards the wall. I pulled away slowly while Dream tried to keep me locked in the kiss. "Hello to you too." He kissed me again, it felt desperate and almost needy. I pushed him away. "Clay. Are you okay?"

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