Chapter 34: I kinda like it, like it

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"We have all the stuff for a cake right?" Niki asked.

"I think we should, we bought everything we could have needed at the grocery store," I said grabbing a cupcake pan and a spatula out of some of the drawers.

Once we had gotten back from the arcade and mini-golf course, after much resistance from Karl and Sapnap, Tubbo had felt like it would be a good time to stream, and we had bought things for cupcakes when we were at the grocery store, so we decided that this would be the perfect time for a cooking stream. Tubbo and Dream were setting up the camera and other things with some assistance from Karl. Niki and I were just kind of standing and prepping around while they did the setup. Dream was going to film, while the rest of us made cupcakes.

"Okay, I think it's all set up now," Tubbo said, stepping away from his laptop. "All I have to do is press the starting stream button and we'll be good to go!"

"What if Tubbo introduces you guys to his stream after he starts?" Dream said, "Like you guys, all come on individually."

"Oh! I like that!" Tubbo said. "Okay you guys get over there, and I'm gonna start." He pushed us out of the camera view and pressed the start stream button, and I immediately got excited. I could understand why they all loved streaming so much, the adrenaline alone was enough to bring a smile to my face.

"Hello, chat!" Tubbo said as people started to roll into the stream "We're gonna do a cooking stream today, I'm just gonna wait for a bit for the notification to go out before we start." His stream was set on the starting screen, so nobody could see anything yet. We waited until I got the notification from twitch on my phone, and then We switched over to the camera.

"Hello Chat!!" Tubbo said, greeting his chat again. "Today we are going to make some cupcakes and I have some special guests with me!"

Tubbo introduced all of us and we walked on the stream. The whole chat was excited to see us, and the chat went a million miles a minute, and it was crazy to me. I started to measure out and mix the ingredients while everyone else talked to the stream. Dream followed everyone around with the camera.

"Wait Niki can you preheat the oven? I forgot to." I said adding some milk to the bowl in front of me.

"Oh yeah for sure."

"Dream come to get this amazing oven preheating shot!" Karl said jokingly, and Dream did, he walked over to Niki and she waved to the camera as Dream showed her to the stream.

"Yeah chat Dream's filming," Tubbo said, looking at his laptop. "Did we not tell you that?"

"Hi, chat!" Dream said, waving his hand in front of the camera lens. He went back to his post behind the kitchen island and set the camera back in the tripod.

Tommy walked over to the kitchen "WHat is UP CHAT!" He said to the camera. The chat spammed Tommy, or innit excessively. "I'm just grabbing some water." He reached behind Karl who was sitting on the counter in front of the cabinet with the glasses inside of it. Tommy came back towards me with a spoon in his hand.

"Wait Tommy no, you can't have any righー'' Tommy took his spoon and grabbed a spoonful of the batter I was scooping into the cupcake liners. "Tommy, why did you do that?"

"Because I am a big man!" Tommy said, walking away back to the couch. "This is really good by the way!" He called back towards the group."

"Did you hear that chat, Big man TommyInnit is wholesome!"

"I am not WHOLESOME!" Tommy shouted back angrily.

We continued to make the cupcakes, and by we, I mean me. Niki helped out too, but it ended up being that Karl and Tubbo just tasted things and chatted with us the whole time, which was perfectly okay with me.

While the cupcakes were baking Wilbur came over and started to chat with us while sitting next to Dream.

"Tubbo I'm gonna come over there and beat you up if you say you like anteaters one more time."

"That's TOS Wilbur," Niki said.

"I don't care. I'm gonna clart this small child." Wilbur said. "Don't test me."

"I just don't think anteaters are as bad as you make them out to be Wilbur." Tubbo said "Oh shit I shouldn't have said that." he said starting to run.

Tubbo ran behind me around the counter as Wilbur chased him, and I laughed. It was hard not to, there was a tall 6'5'' man chasing a much shorter younger brunette with a tub of frosting in his hand around a kitchen island.

"Wait, Will standstill." Dream said to Wilbur who was standing directly in front of the camera

"What?" He asked

"YOuRー headddd" He said, wheezing. I walked over to the camera where he was standing and looked at what he was seeing. Wilbur's head was completely cut off, only his shoulders were showing on the camera.

"Wait," Niki said from next to me. "Chat, can you see Will's head?" I walked back to read the chat from the laptop. A chorus of no's and laughter filled the chat.

"Wait Wait wait hold on." Dream said. He pointed the camera down a little bit, so it was more focused on the cupcakes Karl had just taken out of the oven. Wilbur's face was really far out of the camera now. Dream walked over towards us.

"Wait, Dream what are you doing?" I asked as he walked over.

"Don't worry my face is out of frame" he said with a smile on his face walking towards me. He faced his body towards the camera and waved. "HI, CHATT!" He exclaimed loudly

"Here," I said, handing him a cupcake. "Get to work."

"Fineee." He said, rolling his eyes. As he grabbed a spoon and the cupcake from my hands.

"You can't see it chat, but he rolled his eyes very dramatically," Karl said. "Can I frost one?"

"Yeah of course Karl," I said handing him a cupcake too. "I kinda assumed that we were all going to be frosting the cupcakes??"

"Oh yes. Cooking stream, That is what we are doing." Tubbo said, grabbing a cupcake.

"In that case, I'll man the camera," Will said. Walking over.

"Wait Y/N, look at me for a second." Dream said and I looked up at him for a quick second and he swiped some frosting on my nose and laughed.

"DREAM!" I exclaimed loudly and he ran away from me. I set my cupcake down on the counter and chased behind him and he caught me in his arms close to the couch.

"It appears you have something on your nose." He said with a cocky grin on his face.

"You are so annoying," I said with a smile under my frosting-covered nose. I wiped off the frosting with a smile on my face.

"But you loveee ittt"

"Maybe. Maybe I do."

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note


SO I THINK BC I started school updates might be less frequent, but I will try my best to update as much as possible, anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D. 

ANYWAYS have an amazing day, and remember to drink some water and get something to eat because you are amazing and you deserve it.

also I didn't just totally impulsively unpublish this im back tho don't worry.


Word count: 1199

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