Chapter 36: Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream

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"Alright Tom, what's the plan for today?" Jack said to Tommy while we were all seated around the table eating breakfast.

"Well," Tommy said excitedly, "I rented out a waterpark, like maybe an hour away from here for the whole day."

"Wait seriously?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah!" Tommy said. "I think it will make for a really fun vlog, plus I think it will just be fun to do anyway."

"Tommy, that's an amazing idea!" I said. "Oh my goodness that's gonna be so fun!"

"Tom, that sounds really amazing and all, but when does the waterpark open?" Wilbur asked.

"Umm," He said with a mouthful of toast. "I think at 1030?"

"Tom," Niki said.

"What Niki?"

"Tommy It's 9 o'clock right now." Dream said

"Yeah and?"

"Tommy, we have to leave in like 30 minutes?"

"I don't see what the problem is?" Tubbo said, taking a sip of his water.

"Tubbo," Ranboo said, giving him a look.

Tubbo and Tommy looked at each other puzzled at our concern, and then it clicked in their brains. We had 30 minutes to get ready for a whole waterpark day that we didn't know about.

"Oh shit," Tommy said. "Okay let's get ready then!" Tommy exclaimed, getting up and spilling his orange juice in the process. "FUUUCCCKKK."

"It's fine Tom, Clay and I will pick up the mess while you guys get your stuff ready," I said looking to Dream.

"Okay, that sounds good," Karl said. "We're taking two cars right?"

"Yup, we can decide who goes where later, We should just go get ready!" Wilbur exclaimed!"

They all scurried off into their rooms to get their stuff, and I started to clean up the spill while Dream picked up dishes.

"Hey, You sure you're gonna be okay with the waterpark?" Dream said. "I know you were feeling a little bit iffy with the whole swimming thing."

I appreciated his concern. "I think I'm gonna test the waters out I guess? I'm gonna bring a change of clothes and worst case scenario I can just film in my change of clothes."

"Well, I'll be there with you so we can have fun together."

"By the way how are you and Ranboo going to be in the vlog? You're both faceless right?"

"Well I think Ranboo said a while ago that he was going to face reveal at 5 mil, and he's at like 4.95 right now, but I think I want to do a face reveal soon too, but I think I'm just gonna ask Tommy not to release it until I do?"

"Yeah, that makes sense," I said. "Plus he's been filming like a vlog a day for this whole week and we're only on day 6, so he'll have plenty of content to hold out until then," I said while putting dishes in the dishwasher. "But you have to tell him that because he won't know otherwise."

"I know, I know." He said. "I promise I'll be smart about it."

"Okayyyy." I smiled as his arms wrapped around my body and his head rested on my shoulder.

"You should go get ready, I'll finish this up."

"You need to get ready too though!"

"It's fine Alex is coming out now so I'll just make him put the 6 things left away.

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