Chapter 15: Okay, put my heart to the side

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|tw: manipulation|

"What?" I could feel the panic rising, "What do you mean it's about Clay, did he do something wrong di-"

"I'm in love with you Y/N." Ellie blurted out.

"Okay cool, but-" I processed the words that she had just said. "Wait what?"

We paused in silence "I love you Y/N, and not just in a platonic best friend type of way, in a romantic I want to kiss you sort of way." She said much calmer this time.

I was just standing near her doorway facing her in shock. My brain still wasn't quite processing what had just happened. It's like I heard the words dancing around in my head, and they hadn't quite stuck with me yet. "What?" I muttered out softly.

"Y/N can you just come sit so we can talk about this. Please." She said. I walked over and sat on the chair that faced her bed. "I just, I really needed to tell you."

"How long have you felt like this?"

"A long time. A really long time."

"Why didn't you tell me before? I'm in a relationship now Ellie, this just is, Ellie I don't feel the same way. I'm really happy with Clay, I might even lo-"

"DON'T say it." She said starting off angry and then quickly toning down. "How do you even know that? You've known him for what A month and a half? You've known me for years? Why do you love him and not me?"

"I do love you Ellie, bu-"

"Then break up with him. We can be together and be happy."

"But not in that way Ellie." I finished. "Ellie we've been friends forever, you're practically like a sister to me, I just can't see you like that."

"You can't even fucking try?" her voice was getting heated now. "You can't even try to love me?"

"Ellie, I'm with Clay, you know that."

"Then Break Up With Him Goddamnit." She said. "I Care About You SO Much More Than He Ever Would."

"How do you even know that?" I was starting to heat up too. "Ellie, Maybe at a different time we could have made this work, but you just had to say this the only time I've ever been in a relationship that I'm happy with."

"GOD WHY DON'T YOU GET IT!!" She stood up. "I love you so fucking much. I would die for you Y/N you are my sun my moon my earth and my stars, you are nothing but a mere piece of flesh to him. He's a MAN. He doesn't care about you. He only wants to get in your pants."

"Ellie that's not tru-"


"Well, I mean no bu-"

"SEE!!!" she stepped closer to me. "He's only still with you because he wants to sleep with you. HE is too good for you. He is way out of your league Y/N, Can't you see that? He doesn't actually care about you."

"HE CARES ABOUT ME ELLIE!!" It was getting to be too much. The words she was saying added up. But I knew she was wrong. Was she? He is way out of my league. Plus he is a very physical person? But he's never suggested anything like that before.

"DOES HE?" she shouted. "HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU Y/N."

"Yes, he does."

"Prove it. Call him right now. Tell him that the only way you can be together is if he face reveals. If he really cares about you as much as I do, he'll do it."

"What Ellie no. I can't do that to him. That's his whole career, he's worked so hard for that. I wouldn't let him risk that."

"See Y/N, you don't even care enough to try, you know that he won't do it."

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