Chapter 4: And His Eyes were Flaming Glow

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I put my phone face down on the bathroom counter and washed my face to help wake me up. I knew what I had just sent to Clay could be bad. I knew that I could have just ruined a friendship that I was really enjoying. I could feel my anxiety rushing through me as I got dressed. As I was putting on my mascara, I could hear my thoughts of the worst possible option. I picked my phone back up.

Read 8:47

Fuck. He read it 3 minutes ago. I thought while putting my phone into the pocket in my jean shorts. He read it, why isn't he responding. I totally fucked it up. I was screwed. I was just about to go downstairs to complain to Ellie when my phone started to ring.

Incoming FaceTime: clay

What? I thought. Keep calm y/n its fine I said aloud while answering the call. Almost immediately I was entranced by the sparkle his emerald eyes had.

"Ummm Hi?" Clay said, breaking the silence we had created.

"hi," I said, wanting to shrink deeper into my f/c t-shirt.

"Did you really mean that?"

"Mean what?" I said trying to ignore the elephant in the room.

"You know what I'm asking Y/N. Don't dance around it."

"okay, " I responded feeling small.

"Did you mean it?"

"I did."

Silence. I stared into his eyes. I couldn't quite read what he was thinking.

"I, I want to see you. I want to go on a date with you. I know that I've only known you a day, but I already really like you. I feel so happy whenever I'm talking to you, and I'm talking to you over a box of intelligence that fits in my hand. And If this like totally ruins our friendship or whatever dynamic we had between us or whatever, I'm sorry." I said, just putting it all out there.

More silence.


"Yeah," he finally said

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."


"When do you get off work today?"

"I'm sorry what?" I responded. "Are we just gonna ignore the fact that I literally just told you about my massive crush on you?"

"No, I'm trying to figure out when we can go on a date nimwit."

I grinned. He liked me too. I looked at his almost cocky grin that was filling his phone.

"I get off today at 3:45."

"Great, Where am I picking you up?"

"umm the Panama Grind Coffee on *insert random street name*."

"Great. I'll see you at 3:45."

"Wait what are we doing? You haven't even told me."

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"You have no idea."

"Literally none. I'll figure it out though it's fine." He smiled as he moved with his phone. The sunlight from the window I had walked into a week ago made his eyes sparkle.

"Okay, Well I have to go to work, but text me okay"

"Of course."

"Bye Clay"

"Bye Y/N"

The familiar noise of the call ending came through my phone, but I couldn't even hear it, I was too busy squealing with joy. I didnt totally fuck up like I usually do. He liked me back. This was an amazing feeling. I danced around in the bathroom as Ellie walked in.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" She asked opening a drawer.

"He likes me back! I didnt totally fuck things up like I usually do!"

"Oh that's pretty pog." She said pretty emotionless

"ITS FUCKING AMAZING ELLIE!!! I'm so happy! I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time!" I said shaking her shoulders.

"Yeah that's cool I guess."

"You good? You sound off." I said, sad that she didn't share my joy

"Just tired."

"Okay, well just remember you can tell me if you need anything okay."

"Yeah I know. Have a good day at work okay."

"Yeah you too." I walked down the hallway, grabbed my bag, and ordered an uber to go to work.

It was a slow day at work, and I spent most of my free time trying to figure out what Clay had planned for our date. I got to make coffees for some of my favorite regulars, and I didn't have to deal with any Karen's today which was a plus.

Once it hit 3, All I could do was check my phone counting down the minutes. 3:30, that's only ¼ of an hour left. 3:40, my shift was over soon, only 5 minutes left, and in walked a tall dirty blond boy with freckles dancing across his face.

"Hey stranger! What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd get a small snack before I go on a date with this really cool girl." He grinned "any recommendations?"

"Well I personally really like our chocolate chip cookies. One of my favorites to make and eat."

"Then I'll get two chocolate chip cookies and a large iced tea."

"That will be right out for you." I smiled. I leaned over the counter and whispered to him, "Hey just wait outside and I'll bring it over, I get off in like 2 minutes."

"Okay see you in two." He walked outside and I got his drink ready.

I quickly touched up my makeup and walked outside to be greeted by the tall dirty blond boy I had waited all day to see standing across the street next to a pickup truck scrolling on his phone

"I didn't peg you as a tea guy" I said coming up next to him and handing him his stuff. "The pickup truck I expected, but the tea?"

"Okay for starters, this isn't my truck, Its my roommate Sapnap-"

"The one I ran into??" I interrupted.

"Yes, the one you ran into, He used to live in houston." He handed me a cookie.

"Yeah he definitely gives off pick up truck vibes."

"You literally have met him once"

"I know what I know okay"

"Whatever, What are we doing today?"

"Well, " He turned to me. The rest of his words tuned out, and all I could see were his eyes. The way that the sun was hitting them made his eyes look like they were made of gold. You could still see the green shining through, but his eyes were reflecting the sun in such a way that all I could concentrate on was them.

"Hello? Y/N?" I snapped out of my trance.

"Your eyes look so pretty in the sun" I said without even thinking as I slapped my hand over my mouth. "Sorry I wasn't really listening. What are we doing again"

"Oh well you'll just have to see," He opened the car door "M'lady" I giggled. I got inside the car and he began to drive.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note

Well that is it! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I totally wasn't procrastinating stuff i had to do while writing this lol. Also my brother is low key shouting me perdonas violently and its amazing. ANYwaYs enough about me, I hope you guys remember to get something to eat, and drink some water, because you are amazing and you deserve it.  


Word Count 1114

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