Chapter 25: And I don't think I have a clue

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The buzz of my alarm went off again, today was a workday so I had to get up earlier. As tempted as I was to snooze it, this would be the fifth snooze, so I knew I had to get up.

I slowly rolled out of my bed, flipping the heavy covers off of my legs and I sat up straight, running my fingers through my mildly tangled hair. I started to finally process my room in its new glory. It finally felt like my room, with small little things that reminded me of, well me.

I finally stood up out of my bed and realized that I was smelling pancakes. Pancakes? This early? No one was ever up this early, let alone making pancakes. I quickly pulled on my work clothes, a pair of light brown pants, and a black tee with the cafe logo on top.

I stuck my head out of the door and walked down the stairs to the kitchen, and over at the stove was Clay, attempting to flip a pancake on the pan without a spatula. He missed, and the pancake fell on the floor.

"Really Smooth there Clay," I said, as he was cleaning up. He didn't look over, and I soon noticed the AirPod in his ear. I walked over to where he was and snuck behind him. I pulled out the airpod from his ear, and he turned around abruptly and almost slipped on the pancake he dropped. I chuckled at his shock. The faint sounds of Naturally by Selena Gomez. He reached over to his phone resting behind me and paused the music. Our forearms barely touched, but it was enough to make me step backward and I slipped on the pancake that was still on the ground.

I closed my eyes, almost bracing myself to fall on the floor, but I didn't end up hitting the cold beige tiles, instead, Clay caught me in his arm. He quickly shifted me back up to be standing.

I rubbed the back of my head as my cheeks flushed with embarrassment, "Umm Good Morning I guess."

"Good morning to you too," Clay said. We paused in silence, locking eyes, and then we soon broke out into a fit of laughter, laughing at how chaotic the last minute had been. "Do you want some pancakes?" He asked motioning to his stack of golden, and some burnt, pancakes.

"I'd love some pancakes Clay," I said, sitting down on the kitchen island. "What are you even doing up this early, it's like 730?"

"Honestly, I went to bed at the same time as you did, and I just don't really ever get more than 7 hours of sleep, so I just kinda woke up, I guess?"

"Oh, that's pretty cool. Wait patches noooooo." I said, grabbing patches before she started to dive into the pancake clay was still cleaning up off the ground. "What inspired the pancakes?"

"We had a mix. I was bored. I thought Pancakes. Yum."

I chuckled as he set down a plate, and grabbed some of the syrup he placed in front of me. I started to dig in. "Thank you for this. I really haven't had pancakes in forever. It really feels like my childhood for some reason you know."

"Speaking of childhood, I mean meeting Karl last night must have been really exciting?"

"Oh my god yes!" I said, "It's really hard to imagine since we haven't seen each other or kept in any sort of contact for like almost 10 years."

"He wanted your number to text you a bit to catch up, so I gave it to him, I hope that's okay" He sat down next to me and started to eat his own array of pancakes.

"Oh yeah, that's totally cool. I'm really excited to catch up with him you know." I said, finishing up my plate of pancakes. "Thank you so much for introducing me again, I'm really happy about it."

"Oh yeah of course." Clay said in between mouthfuls. "I'm glad I could help reunite you two, even though it wasn't really me much."

I looked down at my watch. 746, I was going to be late, I had to go. "Oh shit I gotta go I'm gonna be late, I'll talk to you later though okay?"

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