Chapter 14: I got a spark in me

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"El, come oooonnnn" I shouted across the house. "We're gonna be late!!! The Uber is picking us up in like literally 3 minutes!!"

"Hang on I'm literally grabbing my purse!!" Ellie stumbled through the hallway in a pair of navy jean shorts, a ruffled white blouse, and a peachy pink blazer. "What do you think?"

"Uh ok get it I guess," I said "Holy shit Ellie you look hot, and your liner is just so sharp. Oh my god, you really came to slay!"

"Says you! You look amazing!" She scanned my outfit of a tight pink skirt and a sunset curve shirt tucked inside. "Alrighty is the uber here?"

"Speak of the devil," I flipped up my phone to check if the uber was outside. "It's outside, I think." We headed to the black sedan parked out front. We got in and drove to the theater where the concert was. We stepped out of the car and waited at the place we had planned for Clay and the other boys when my phone vibrated.

Incoming call from Clay <3


"Hey, bub." Clay said

"Are you guys here yet?"

"Yeah, Wait do you not see us?"

I turned around in my spot, there were a lot of people crowding around the area we were in. "No? Where are you?"

"I like your skirt, it looks very nice on you."

"Come on Clay, don't play this game."

"What game?"

"Oh shut up. Just tell me where you are. Please?"

"That pink is very pretty. I like it."

I was still spinning around and trying to find them. Surely it shouldn't be that hard to find a 6'3'' blonde man with incredibly loud friends. "Come on please?"

"Begging for me now are we?"

"CLAY!" I exclaimed loudly through the phone, soon hearing a familiar laugh that presumably came from Sapnap. I glanced across the crowd and quickly found my eyes on the familiar dirty blond boy that was currently shoving his friend around. I quickly hung up the call and headed over to the trio with Ellie.

"Hi." I giggled out, placing a quick kiss on my boyfriend's lips.

"Hi." Clay said back, he stuck his hand out to Ellie, "and you must be Ellie?"

She took his hand and shook it, it almost seemed like Ellie was tense. I'd ask her about it once we got inside. "I take it you are Clay,"

"What no I'm Clay?" George said.

"Oh my god, you are such a dipshit. She knows that only I would kiss my boyfriend." I looked up at Clay, whose arm was wrapped around my waist. "Ellie this is George, and this is Nick."

She shook her hand and waved hello to both of them. "Nice to meet you guys."

"Nice to you meet you too. You can call me Sapnap." Sapnap said.

"Nice to meet you too," George said. "Sorry about that I was just messing around."

"Oh no, you're all good. I actually thought it was pretty funny."

"Oh Y/N I like her. She seems like fun." George said, giving Ellie a fist bump.

"Sapnap, dude, you're pretty quiet man, you all good?"

"Yeah, just trying to figure out if we can bring Ellie in, cuz I'm pretty sure they don't let you bring in snacks."


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