Chapter 37: Connected by a feeling

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"Wait." Karl said, sitting down at the counter, "Are we doing anything today? Because I have an idea for something we could do."

"I don't think we do," I said leaning down on the counter with my drink in my hands. "We could just sit around all day."

"But that's no fuuuun." Karl said. "Everyone likes to go and do their own thing, it's not as fun."

"That's true." Dream said, leaning next to me, and wrapping his hand around my waist.

"I saw there was a really scenic hike nearby." Karl said, and I gave him a look. "But it's like all shaded and it's supposed to be really easy,"

"Karl, that sounds like shit." Quackity said.

"I'm not gonna lie Karl, I feel like I would rather stream right now," Tubbo said.

"I agree with big Q, that sounds like shit," Tommy said.

"I think it could be fun," Wilbur said.

"Thank you, Wilbur!" Karl said. "I mean if Tubbo has his streaming backpack we could stream it probably if that's what's holding you guys back."

"I could be down for that," Ranboo said.

"Well, I for one think that sounds really fun," I said, glancing at Dream, awaiting his response.

"Yeah, Why not, we could do it."

"Let's do it then!" Karl said. Tommy, Quackity, and Sapnap groaned. "Come oooonnnn."

"Wait Tommy," Wilbur leaned over and whispered in Tommy's ear.

"OKAY I'M IN LET'S DO THIS BOYS!" Tommy exclaimed.

"What did you just say to make him switch sides so quickly?" Niki asked, almost concerned.

"Let's just say I know Tommy innit." Wilbur said with a grin.

After a fair amount of negotiation with Quackity and Sapnap, we were eventually able to convince them to go, and people started to get ready for our hike, while Dream and I started to clean up some of the dishes on the counter.

I grabbed a few mugs scattered around the table and brought them to the sink to rinse them off and then I felt a familiar arm snake around me.

"Hi Clay." I said with a grin, continuing what I was doing as he nuzzled his head into the folds of the sweatshirt I was wearing.

"You look so good in my sweatshirt."

I blushed softly. "Thank you, It's very comfortable, and you probably won't get it back."

My neck was being peppered with kisses slowly. "That's okay."

"Clay what are you doing. It's 10 in the morning."


"You're such a dick," I said starting turning myself around, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Maybe I am. But I'm your dick." He said with a smirk.

"Okay that's it I'm going to change. Have fun with the rest." I said with a laugh heading to my room to change.


We had arrived at the start of the trail, which initially Karl had called the trailhead, but then Sapnap and Quackity started sharing suggestive glances about a different kind of head, so that name stopped being used.

We started on the hike, and to be honest, I could understand the full parking lot. I wasn't one to 'touch grass' per se, but this view was absolutely stunning. There was almost a perfect frame made by massive trees surrounding the beach which showed a stunning ocean. I had wished I had brought my real camera, but the iPhone photos I took sufficed. for now

I walked peacefully taking in the air with Dream by my side as we followed Karl's giddy lead down the trail. It wasn't exactly hot, but it wasn't cold either. Early on, I grabbed one of the water bottles from the backpack Dream had volunteered to carry, and I noticed something unique.

Okay well not unique, but I picked up on the fact that Tommy, Tubbo, George, Quackity, Wilbur, and Sapnap were playing some sort of game where they tried to put sticks in the backpacks that Dream and Ranboo were carrying. There was some sort of system for points that I couldn't quite figure out, but all I know is I turned around to grab a bottle of water and there was TommyInnit putting a stick in the backpack.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, slapping his hand away and the stick with it. "What are you guys doing?" I glanced over and saw Tubbo and George laughing their heads off at Tommy's failure to complete the task.

I pulled the bottle of water out, and probably a dozen more sticks came out of the bag, and I felt like the best way to describe my likely expression was 'disappointed mom'.

I tried to get them to stop, but after our hike was over I found that to be an unsuccessful endeavor, so I just enlisted Karl and Niki, and we threw the sticks at them.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note

I'm gonna be honest i had no idea how to end this chapter lmao, so i just ended it with violence. Always a fun one.

i ordered the dream team merch and im so hype. 

also I injured my hand so im trying my best to write, but if chapters are shorter just don't hate me okay

Anywaaaaays have an amazing day, and remember to drink some water and get something to eat because you are amazing and you deserve it.


Word count: 809

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