Chapter 35: A little bit of everything all of the time

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I woke up that morning in Clay's arms with a smile on my face. I was really happy. Like really really happy. I was meeting people that were nice and I got along well, and I was with a boy I really really liked.

I rolled out of the bed after placing a kiss on Clay's forehead and walked into the kitchen where Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Jack were sitting at the counter just chatting about things.

"Good morning boys!" I said, pouring myself a glass of water, "How did you all sleep?"

"Pretty well until bitch boy over here woke me up," Tommy said motioning to Tubbo with his thumb.

"What!" Tubbo said, "Ranboo's coming today and I'm really excited!"

"Oh yeah!" I said. "I forgot that Ranboo's coming today, That's really exciting, I'm excited to meet him."

"I think we all are," Wilbur said. "I mean I haven't even seen his face and he's taller than me apparently."

"HA!" Tommy exclaimed loudly. "I've seen his face. Suck it, Wilbur."

"And this is why I'm awake," Jack said. "These two woke Wilbur and me up because they were playing Smash brothers in their room, like really loudly. "

"Why did they get the room with the TV in it?" Wilbur asked.

"Because Sapnap wanted the other bedroom with three beds in it?" I asked. "I don't know why he didn't choose the TV either."

"OH!" Tubbo jumped up in excitement "HE'S LEFT HIS HOUSE! 1 AND A HALF HOURS TO GO BOYS!!"

"Wait Ranboo lives in Florida?"

"Well, not really, He lives in California, but he's been visiting his grandparents in Florida for the past month," Tubbo said. "He's gonna come back with us to California and then we're gonna stay there until vidcon with Phil and Kristen, and then He's gonna come back with us for a couple of months afterward."

"Wow," I said. "That's a lot of time together."

"Well he's probably one of my best friends, so I'm really excited."

"HEY!" Tommy said.

"You're my other best friend Tommy, I said one of, " Tubbo said with a giggle.

"That's good he's left now though, he'll be able to spend more time with us," Jack said.

"I'm just surprised he got up this early," Wilbur said. "It's like 10 am, which is 7 for him, during the middle of summer? I could never do that at his age." Wilbur said with a laugh.

"I don't know?" Tubbo said. "Maybe he's excited too?"

"Tubbo, I'm sure he's excited," I said. "So do you guys want anything to eat? I kinda want to go for a drive and I'm probably gonna grab some breakfast on the way."

"I think I'll probably just have leftovers from yesterday anyway," Wilbur said.

"Yeah, I think I will too," Jack said. "Just go for a drive, we'll take care of the maniacs."

"HEY!" Tommy and Tubbo exclaimed.

"Just go relax Y/N," Wilbur said. "You're on vacation too."

"Okay," I said, suspicious of how nice they were being to me. "I'm gonna go to a bakery I saw in town, so if you guys end up wanting anything, just text me."

"Sounds good!"

"Okay I'll be right back and then I'm leaving," I said walking to my room to change into some more suitable clothes for going out. I pulled on a light purple blouse with puffy sleeves and white stripes and grabbed some jean shorts and a black purse. I headed back out to the main room and said goodbye to the boys and pulled the car out of the driveway. I started to play some music on my phone and pulled out into the open road. Somehow even alone I felt like I was having a good time. I hadn't been alone in a while, so it felt nice to just relax.

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