Chapter 26: What happens then?

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"Karl you can't say that!!!" I said into the phone "Sean is your brother!" I laughed, I had been on the phone with Karl for a while now, and we were just catching up while I did some photo editing and he worked on some of the scripting for his lore.

"That's exactly why I CAN say it, he's my brother!" Karl's familiar and comforting giggle. "Anyways, things have been good with my family too."

There was a knocking coming from my door, and I assumed someone was standing there. "Hold on gimme a minute Karl," I said deafening in the discord call. I turned my head to face Clay, leaning on the doorframe. His hands were resting on the top of the doorframe and the black shirt he was wearing was just small enough that his fully extended arms revealed a small portion of his stomach was exposed. I could feel my cheeks heat up and I snapped my eyes back to his face. "What's up?"

"Umm so I think George is gonna do a Minecraft challenge stream, and there is some leftover Thai food in the fridge, but then after that we're gonna load up the car and then sleep so we can leave early tomorrow and get there before everyone else does."

"How early are we talking? Like sapnap early, George early or my early?" I asked.

"Probably like 930ish? So Sapnap early then."

"Awesome... I still have to pack a bunch but that sounds good."

"Also just a heads up, Ranboo is coming on Friday night since he said it was gonna be hard with work and stuff. He's in florida, so he might be driving back and forth anyway."

"Also cool!" I said. I looked at Clay. I knew he was excited to see his friends in person, but I could also tell that he was stressed and nervous. He had spent a lot of effort planning this, and I knew he was worried about whether it would go well. This was also the first time a lot of these people would see his face, which he was worried about too. I got out of my spot on my bed and walked over to hug him. I think it caught him off guard, but he seemed to relax a bit and reciprocate the hug. "It's all gonna be okay. We are gonna have a blast! Just relax a bit okay? Take a break." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thanks, Y/N. Just finish packing and stuff and I'll see you after the stream." He said, pulling away from the hug, "I'll be in my room if you need anything." He walked down the hall to his room and I walked into mine. I undeafened in my call with Karl and started to grab stuff from my closet.

"Sorry, I'm back. I have to pack now so you're packing with me now Karl." I said.

"Oh no, you're all good," Karl said. "I still have a couple of things I need to pack for my flight anyway."

"When do you leave for your flight?"

"Umm, I think like 945?" Karl said. "I get in for sure by 11."

"I think it's bad that you don't know what time your flight is," I said grabbing some shirts and folding them up.

"Well I know okay, I'm just not 100% sure."

"Okay, Mr. Jacobs."

"You're coming right?" He asked

"To the meetup, yeah, that's why I'm packing nimrod."

"Okay! Yay! I get to see you too!! I'm so excited to meet everyone!"

"I know I am too! It's been really nice getting to know everyone, I'm excited to meet them too." I said, "Oh plus you get to see Dream for the first time right?"

"Yeah, I'm excited to see him."

"I think he is too. He does seem pretty nervous about it too. He's definitely stressing himself out about it, and I feel bad because I know he's gonna be fine."

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