Chapter 3: Woke up on a couch sunrise

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I got into my car and drove to the grocery. I grabbed the stuff for some pasta tonight and snacks for the rest of the week and placed it in my basket. I was heading to the checkout line not really paying attention to what was going on around me and I bumped into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry," I said walking away quickly in the background I heard a British man yelling

"SAP!!!" he screamed as the guy I bumped into walked in that direction "Come on we have to leave!"

I chuckled as I walked away, their friendship reminded me a lot of me and Ellie's. Then I remembered I bumped into him and got really embarrassed. I'm usually a pretty confident person, I'm not usually so clumsy too. What had gotten into me the past few days, first walking into Clay's house, and now walking into that dude. Oh god. I had to tell Clay this. I pulled out my phone and opened up Instagram.

˜-ˏ ➶ [ instagram ] . ✧ ˚

u/n: oh my god i'm so stupid.

clay.anderson.: what did you do thats so bad?

u/n: i just walked into someone at the grocery store aaaa

u/n: i feel so stupid

clay.anderson.: ahahahahahahhahaha

clay.anderson.: jyg yyojhlhyjg ih uojnhjfjg

clay.anderson.: that is hilarious

u/n: not you laughing at me :(

u/n: i texted you for comfort

clay.anderson.: i'm sorry its just hilarious

clay.anderson.: first you walk into my house and now you walk into this poor dude omg thats so funny

u/n: shut up

clay.anderson.: right comforting you

clay.anderson.: you are not stupid you are just super clumbsy

u/n: shut up dipshit

u/n: im not usually like this

clay.anderson.: sureeee i definitely believe you ;)

˜-ˏ ➶ [ irl ] . ✧ ˚

I quickly checked out and drove on my way home, listening to my favorite songs. Today had been a good day, I was happy, even with the weird things that happened, I was still happy.

I walked into the house with the grocery bags in my hands and started to put things away when Ellie came out of the bathroom.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Oh my god so bad. I literally bumped into some guy and he didn't even acknowledge me, and I was so uncomfortable," I said, "But anyway I got all the stuff and some snacks too."

"Oof. I mean at least you never have to see him again right?"

"Yeah, I guess you are right."

"What movie are we watching?"

"Okay, you have two options, Mamma Mia or Tangled," I said with a smile on my face.

"What we always watch those two when you pick can't we wa-"

"Nuh-uh, you said I could pick."

"Fine. But you have to drink with me," Ellie said, pulling out a bottle of red wine. "Come oooon it will be fuuuun"

"Tangled and wine it is!" I exclaimed. I mean I turned 21 in a couple of months, how bad could it be. I'll just have one glass.

three glasses and half a movie later

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