Chapter 2: Blueberries for Breakfast

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I woke up in my bed, not wanting to get out, but every time I tried to fall back asleep, I could feel the sun creeping into my eyes. Eventually, I got out of bed and started to get ready for the day.

I powered on my phone and check my notifications, A bunch of texts from Ellie, telling me that the house was not abandoned anymore, and a bunch of Instagram notifications from a @clay.anderson. (I'm just gonna pretend like that's his last name ), which I could only assume was the Clay from last night. Just a couple of likes and a follow. I requested to follow him back.

I threw on a light grey hoodie and some leggings and walked downstairs to the kitchen and greeted my roommate Ellie.

"Good morning" I groaned, still tired from last night.

"Good morning? It's afternoon sleepyhead. It's 2 pm !"

"2?! Wow, I was tired. I guess it's a good thing I don't have school right now." I responded, not realizing that I was hungry my stomach growled loudly. "I'm in a mood for some waffles, do you want some?"

"Nah I'm good, enjoy" Ellie responded she unlocked the door and grabbed her purse "I'm picking up a shift today so I'll be back later." She left in a hurry.

I grabbed out the waffle mix, some oil, water, a bowl, and the waffle iron. I measured out the ingredients and mixed them together. I heated up the waffle iron and as I poured the batter into the greased waffle shaped pan, I heard the loud sizzle of the batter, as a ding from my phone went off.

@clay.anderson. has sent you a message

Oh, I thought, what does he want? It can't possibly be that important, I'll just text him after I finish my waffles. I grabbed berries and syrup and plated it up nice and posted a picture to my Instagram story.

-ˏ ➶ [ instagram ] . ✧ ˚

clay.anderson.: hi :)

: hi :)

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clay.anderson. responded to your story: how are you eating breakfast so late?

u/n: hello

u/n: yes. i love having blueberries for a 2pm breakfast

u/n: thank you for the uber by the way

u/n: i still feel terrible that i broke into your house

clay.anderson.: it's fine lol. glad you got home safe :)

u/n: how can you be so cool about that omg i literally broke into your house.

clay.anderson.: u broke into my heart too :)

clay.anderson.: shit that sounded better in my head

u/n: omg that was so bad

clay.anderson.: i had to shoot my shot tehe

u/n: its okay :)

u/n: So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?

clay.anderson.: ignoring that

clay.anderson.: i play video games lol

u/n: oh so you dont have a job

clay.anderson.: what no i do :(

clay.anderson.: i make money

u/n: suuureee

clay.anderson.: whatever lol

clay.anderson.: but anyways

clay.anderson.: what do you do for work

u/n: well during the school year i work at a cafe part-time 

u/n: but during the summer i sell my photos as prints and stuff too

clay.anderson.: that's pretty cool! 

clay.anderson.: your photography is so cool

clay.anderson.: you are crazy talented

clay.anderson.: what are you doing right now

u/n: i feel like thats obvious, im eating my waffles and talking to you

clay.anderson.: ah yes i have big brain energy lol

u/n: wbu?

clay.anderson.: i'm gaming and talking to you.

u/n: oh cool

u/n: watched anything interesting lately?

clay.anderson. is typing...

-ˏ ➶ [ irl ] . ✧ ˚

One Week Later. 

I liked talking to this clay dude. I wanted to talk to him, talking to him made me want to talk more to him, I didn't even realize it, but I was happy talking to him. I talked with him every day for the past week. about almost everything. I mean he was such a nice person, and he was funny too.

I spent late nights staying up texting him on the phone. We talked about code, and coffee, and our favorite movies. Sometimes he would send me pictures of his cat named patches, and that always made my day. During my breaks at the cafe, I would just talk to him. How was it that it had only been a week and I already felt so strongly about him, 

Something about talking to him made me happy. Like when he complimented my photography, my eyes filled with joy as a smile crept onto my face. It was like I was smiling so big that I couldn't stop. Butterflies filled my stomach as a looked down at words on a small box. It was a new feeling. It was a new sort of happiness. I had been with other people before, but something about this was different. My thoughts of joy were soon interrupted by a certain blonde

"Hello?" Ellie shouted walking through the door

"Hey!" I said back from the couch to her left, "I'm right here no need to shout. How was work? Did you get groceries for dinner?"

"Ahhh shit no, I forgot sorry. We could just order in?"

"No, we've ordered in like most of the days this week, I'll just make a quick run," I said grabbing my keys and wallet. I looked down at my phone as it buzzed. It was Clay, and it made me smile.

"Ooooo whatcha smiling about," Ellie said trying to peer down my shoulder.

"None of your beeswax." She pouted sarcastically "Fine. I'll tell you when I get home"

"Okay, good luck. Oh, and can you get the stuff for the pasta I like?"

"Dayum first you forget to get groceries, then you are super nosy and now I have to make your favorite dinner? What is this madness??"

"Come on," she said pouting "I'll let you pick the movie we watch"

"Deal. I'll be back!" I said walking out with a smile on my face. 

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note

And that's it y'all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and yes, I know that there is a bunch of uncapitalized stuff in there but whatever that's how people text right. ANYwAYs, remember to drink some water and get something to eat. You are amazing and I love you


Word count: 1017

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