Chapter 28: Just cool vintage clothes and vacation photos

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"Okay, We've got to get groceries. Does anyone want to come with me?" I said, grabbing the keys to the car. "Bonus, I'm paying on Dream's credit card if that sways anyone in a certain direction...."

"Spending Dream's money, count me in!" Tommy said. "Wait, maybe I can film this for the vlog channel!"

"That sounds cool. Count me in." Sapnap said.

"Wait Y/N can I come too?" Niki asked.

"Of course you can come to Niki, the more the merrier," I said opening the door and walking to the car. "Alright last call. We're leaving!" I hopped into the front seat and adjusted so I could drive and buckled in and waited for the others to be ready.

Just as we were getting ready to leave, Clay came outside. "Hey what's up?" I asked rolling down my window.

"I forgot to give you my card." He handed me a sleek, metal, almost heavy card. "I just didn't want Tommy to complain when you got there and he had to pay."

"Thank you, good sir." I said, grinning, "Alright I'll see you later?"

"Yup. I'll still be here. Have fun!"

I rolled my window back up, and quickly placed the card in my wallet, and set it down in the cupholder. "Alright, are we ready to go?"

"Yes, we are obviously ready, Let us go to the storrreeee" Tommy said in the seat next to me flashing his phone camera in the face. I had almost forgotten he wanted to vlog this.

"Okay let's roll!" I said starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

"Wait can I play some music?" Sapnap asked.

"NOOOO." Tommy and I said at practically the same time.

"After the ride here absolutely not," I said. "Niki, feel free to DJ." I handed her the aux cord.

"Thank You Y/N," Niki said, taking the Aux. She put on some good music that was good to vibe to when Tommy wanted to take control.

"Wait Wait Niki Niki give me the aux I want to play some music." He said. Niki reluctantly gave in.

He immediately played the able sisters and showed off the car to the camera, and I could see Sapnap rolling his eyes out of the corner of my own. He then switched to some hamilton, which Niki and I sang along to. Then he got bored of Hamilton and put on Wilbur's band Lovejoy's new album. I hadn't heard it that many times, but I forgot how much I liked the album. When we finally reached the town where there was a decent grocery store, which was a good thirty minutes away, we finished up our ride with a classic play of Mask. Which everyone sang along to. We pulled into the target parking lot and everyone got out.

"Sorry I forgot how far away from a real society that house is, guys."

"No, you're all good, in the words of Tommy, more content!" Niki said. I chuckled. We all headed into the store and I started to grab some groceries for the week and put them in the cart. Sapnap put in 2 boxes of the Lofthouse cookies almost as soon as he saw them. Tommy disappeared soon after.

"Okay, I think I have everything else we need. But we don't have Tommy." I said to the phone Sapnap was holding for, a direct quote from Tommy, 'more pog content'. "Should we just walk around and try to find him?"

"I think that is probably a good idea," Niki said.

"Or we could just leave him here."

"Really. You think leaving Tommy here in a target in Florida 30 minutes from where he knows anything is, is a good idea." I said, "Really Sapnap."

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