Chapter 49: She's lying in bed with my t-shirt on

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After a night in the hospital, I was finally allowed to go home. Clay and I were still in a slight disagreement, but George and Sapnap were being super nice, Almost too nice I might add.

"Do you guys want to order some food? I'm kinda hungry." George said. "I could go for some Indian food right now."

I was playing Uno with Sapnap on the couch, since I wasn't allowed to go on any devices and I wasn't supposed to do 'strenuous' brain activities, Sapnap and I came up with cards. "I could go for some Indian food too," I said. "I think there's this place Harwood that I remember being pretty good."

"That sounds good, I'll order some stuff," George said, getting up from beside me. "I'm gonna go find Dream and see what he wants."

"Cool." I said, "Is he still editing?"

"Yeah, George won't edit his own fucking videos so he does it." Sapnap said putting down a wild card "Green."

"Fuck you." I said, "It's not like you edit your videos either though Sapnap."

"Yeah, but George at least knows how to edit."

"Fair. UNO!"

"FUUCKK." I placed down my final card and won the game.

"Loser." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You guys are fucking children." Dream said coming down the stairs.

"Whatever," Sapnap said. "Hey, what's today's date?"

"The third." Dream and I said at the same time. I blushed a little and turned my face down to twiddle my thumbs. I was still mad at him, I have to remember that.

"Sweet I have to make my 8 months with Dream tweet today." He walked over to the kitchen where his phone was charging.

"Okay, I've ordered the food, It should be here in 55 minutes," George said, walking into the kitchen. "That seems like a long time."

I just shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the fridge to get a drink of water, opening the fridge to an open orange juice container spilling all over my white shirt.

"OW?!" I exclaimed in pain, picking up the now empty carton of orange juice.

"It was Sapnap" George exclaimed quickly, almost too quickly.

"It was not me!!" Sapnap said really defensively.

"I don't really care who it was, can one of you just clean it up so I can change my shirt?" I said wiping my hands on a paper towel before heading upstairs.

I walked into the room and shut the door. I pulled off my wet shirt. I felt sticky and gross. I literally had juice all over me because one of these douchebag animals decided to not close the orange juice.

I headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower, the warm water drops making a soothing sound against the white tile. I started to rinse the juice out of my shirt when the room started to steam up and I wiped away some of the condensation on the mirror to see my face.

I looked like a mess. I felt like a mess. I just got in a car crash because my psychopath ex-best friend decided I was hers, and I was in a fight with my boyfriend about it. Plus I had a week and a half before going back to regular classes. I was stressed. I was tired. But nobody had bothered to ask if I was actually okay.

I peeled off my clothes and hopped into the shower. It was hot, and I was worried It would hurt in the places I was bruised, but it felt nice. I thought it would be harder to take a shower without a hand, but it was easier than I thought, considering I could still move most of my fingers. I cleaned the sticky orange liquid off of my chest and I felt like I could stay in the shower forever. The warmth was captivating. It felt nice. It felt comforting.

Eventually, I turned the metal knob down and the water came to a stop. I wrapped myself in a (hopefully) clean towel and wiped away some of the condensations from the mirror.

I looked. Better. One step at a time right?

I picked up my dirty clothes and exited the bathroom back into the bedroom, tossing my clothes into the hamper on the way to my dresser.

I rubbed my fingers against the light wood grain opening the top drawer and putting on a bra and a pair of underwear.

I closed the drawer and pulled open the drawer under. I slid on the first pair of sweatpants I could find. I dug around my drawer for my favorite sweatshirt when I felt a set of arms wrap around me.

"I'm still mad at you," I said

"Is that my sweatshirt?" He said as I grabbed a red sweatshirt from my drawer.

"Maybe," I said

He drew circles on my stomach that made me have butterflies. I felt the hairs on my body rise. "I like that sweatshirt." He said, placing a kiss on my neck.

"I'm still mad at you Clay." I broke out of his grasp. "You can't just make up for not respecting my choice by kissing me." I started to pull the sweatshirt over my head. It still smelled like him. I hadn't worn it enough for his smell to wear off. I sighed in the scent.

"Let me help you." He grabbed the hem of the sweatshirt and pulled it down brushing his knuckles against my bare skin.

"Clay," I said after my head emerged from the sea of the red fabric.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I mean it. It was wrong of me to ignore your choice, I'm just really worried about you. I don't want you to get hurt." He said, his eyes to the ground

I put my hand on his cheek. "I get that, but I need you to remember that this is my problem before it's yours, okay?"

"I just don't want her to hurt you again." He said, still not making eye contact with me, but I could tell his eyes were glassy. "I just want you to be safe."

"We're gonna file a restraining order, and if things get worse, we'll have an easier route of action. It's gonna be okay." I said.

He locked eyes with me. "Okay." he said, "Are you feeling okay? I just know this has probably been a lot for you and Iー"

I locked his lips with mine and shut him up. I could tell he genuinely cared about me, he was worried about my well-being and that's what counted right. And he apologized, which meant a lot, and I could see he meant it.

Our tongues danced around in a circle, He tasted like lemons and watermelon. His lips were soft against mine and it felt like they actually clicked. Like they matched. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me together and I felt like we were breathing the same breaths.

"Hey guys, the food'sーWoah. I'll leave, I'll leave." Sapnap said, opening the door then closing it quickly behind him. "Umm sorry, the food's here if you guys want it."

I could feel his smile against mine and I separated our breaths to look at his eyes.

"I'm gonna be okay," I said.

He embraced me tightly and then we headed towards the sweet smell of curry.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note

I like this one. I hope you guys do too. :D

second to last chapter sadge T-T

Have an amazing day, and remember to drink some water and get something to eat because you are amazing and you deserve it.


Word count: 1232

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