Chapter 9: Can't we just talk?

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This chapter is gonna be all like social media and texting and stuff so yeah! It is also a time skip a week or two in the future, so keep that in mind.

-ˏ ➶ [ twitter ] . ✧ ˚

@dreamwastaken followed you
@sapnapalt followed you
@GeorgeNootFound followed you

-ˏ ➶ [ iMessage ] . ✧ ˚

Clay <3

hey y/n!

hey clay!

wait you never address me by name whats wrong. im worried 

its nothing bad lol

so im sure you like noticed but my friends want to like get to know u so they followed u on twitter

yeah i noticed lol

i mean as long as ur cool with it idc

im cool with whatever lol

would you be okay if i added you to a gc?

george doesnt seem to believe that you are real lol


ive literally met him?

add me to this gc i need to beat him up.

bet gimme a sec

the revolution

(xxx)-xxx-xxxx, (xxx)-xxx-xxxx, Clay <3

whats up bozos

Clay <3
hey :( im not a bozo

no ofc not you the other two

speaking of which who is who

im nick

what no im nick?

Clay <3
first one nick, second one george


so a little birdy told me that a certain british boy doesn't believe in my existence

ahahahah caught in 4k gogy
you can call me sapnap y/n

omg do you actually call him that

plz tell me you do i love it sm

idc im calling you gogy whether you like it or not

(also cool beans sapnap :D)

why do you hate me so

hey you did this to yourself gogy

ok if you call me gogy you have to call sap snapmap


what why not?

hah suk it gogy

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