Chapter 17: Disappearing when you wake up

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-ˏ ➶ [ dream pov ] . ✧ ˚

I flipped my phone up again. Still no text from her. It had been two weeks. And she broke up with me, what did I expect. I guess part of me is still holding out hope. I should really get back to this stupid jackbox game.

"Oh dreeeam" Quackity's voice rang through my headset. He was loud. I quickly turned down the volume. "Are you joining or what man?"

"Yeah, just typing in the code now." I said. I joined the quiplash game and picked my signature green character. The game soon started and I put in my answers. Everyone else finished and we switch to seeing the answers to the questions. I watched the stream, and I could see what was happening, but nothing really stuck in my brain. All I could think about was her. Her eyes, the way they shone in the light and always smiled with her smile. Her smile. Oh god her smile. Her smile would always get me. She had the most amazing smile. The kind of smile that made you want to smile too. I wish I could see her smile again. I wish I could see her again.

Back to the questions. And then back to the answers.

She would have laughed at that one. She really did have a great laugh. She was great at everything. She was perfect. Or as close to perfect as any human could be. Why did It have to end so soon? What did I do wrong? We were so happy. I was a new different kind of happy with her. Like in past relationships I was happy, but this was different. It was better. I was so sure she was the one. Maybe that's why it hurts so bad now.

My phone Buzzed. I quickly reached for it, and knocked it off my desk, "Fuck" I muttered.

"Ohoho dream, that one really resonated with you ay big man." I heard Tommy say.

"No tommy I just dropped my phone. And I fucking cracked the screen. Shit."

"You'll be Fine dream, you're like loaded man, I'm sure you can get it fixed." Sapnap said

"I know but It's just annoying." I said back.

"Wait wait guys before we start the next game, listen listen listen" Karl said. A clean satisfying noise of a can opening came from Karl's mic. "Ahahah good right."

"Okay what are we playing next big quackmister" Wilbur said.

"Let's play talking points, that one's fun" I heard Ranboo say. There was a chorus of agreement.

"Hey guys i'm gonna run to get some water, I'll play next round." I said. They all okayed it and I muted my mic. I turned around from my setup and flopped onto my bed. I looked at my phone. A text from tommy.

-ˏ ➶ [ iMessage ] . ✧ ˚


hey man, saw you were looping some pretty sad songs today

plus gogy told me that things with Y/N kinda went south

you can always talk to me man

i'm your friend okay?

thanks tommy.

ive been better.

dude, you don't have to be on the
stream right now, you can just call it

go to bed man

dude says you its like 3 am for you

and your like a child




but seriously, i'll be fine

just get some rest. take a break m8, i'm sure the fans will understand

i mean plus, you've been feeding them content for like an hour and a half

and you have a manhunt coming out on thursday.

they will live

just take a break.

you deserve it

thanks tom.

i think i will

i really appreciate it

anytime m8

-ˏ ➶ [ irl ] . ✧ ˚

I got back up out of my bed. The game was almost over. I'd probably just slide out now. That seemed like a good idea.

"Hey guys I think I'm gonna run." I said unmuting to the group "I'm pretty tired."

"Oh no you're all good man." Tommy said. "Get some rest dude."

"Alright bye dream!!" Quackity said "Say bye to dream chat!"

"Bye Chat." I said. "Bye guys. See ya." I hung up on the discord call, and admired the cracks on my phone. I'll go to the store to get it fixed tomorrow. It would give me a good reason to get off my phone anyway. I set the phone down and plugged it in. I peered down on my wrinkled white tee and navy sweatpants. I needed to take a shower. I hadn't showered in a while.

I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the water and let the bathroom steam up. I pulled off my clothes and walked into the warm stream of water. The water was so warm that it almost burned, but it was comfortable at the same time. The beads of water rolled down my skin and made my hair flop down onto my head. I grabbed some soap and cleaned myself off. I got out of the shower and dried myself off and put myself in comfortable clothes. Tommy was right. I needed this. I needed this break. It was time.

I quickly called to book an appointment for tomorrow, and then I flopped onto my bed and passed out.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note

Sorry for the short updates, I just hat two AP exams last week which was a lil stressful, but I'll be back on the grind :)

I think i have this theory(i guess or would it be a headcanon idk) that Tommy types with practically perfect grammar, he just doesn't use caps at all, except when yelling.

Anyway have an amazing day, and remember to drink some water and get something to eat because you are amazing and you deserve it.


Word Count: 892

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