Chapter 46: Always on my mind

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I sat down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and my laptop, in hopes to edit some photos and maybe work on some summer homework.

George and Sapnap had gone to the store to get something for a stream later, just a little bit ago, and Dream was up late last night, so I basically had the house to myself for at least an hour. Some peace and quiet was nice. I listened to music in my headphones and hummed along while typing and clicking diligently.

I was drumming my fingers to the beat of Industry Baby when I felt some long arms snake around my waist.

"Hey!" I said, taking out an airpod. "Good morning"

"Good morning," He said, resting his head on my shoulder. "Whatcha working on?"

"Just some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Editing photos and some summer homework." I took a sip of my coffee. "Hey, I was thinkingー"

"Wait, are you wearing my Sooners jersey?"

"Yes, What I was saying wasー"

"God, you look so hot with that on, my goodness."

"Can you stop interrupting me?"


"Anyways, what I was saying was that the people who moved into the house that was for sale moved in yesterday right? I want to bring them something, like a welcome to the neighborhood type gift, probably just cookies, but I wanted to know if you wanted to come?"

"I would love to, but I literally have like six meetings in a row today."

"Oh?" I asked, "With who?"

"One with the lore team, just kind of writing out the script, One with the merch team, one with youtube, and then another one with youtube, and then we have a manhunt recording." He said with a sigh. "Oh and I think Quackity wanted to record something.

"Okay, well, make sure you take some breaks okay?" I said, "I don't want you to be overworking yourself."

"Worst case I'll just move the manhunt recording, but I'll do my best." He said, placing a kiss on my head. "Where are Sap and George?"

"I honestly don't know." I said, "They left a bit ago to 'get stuff' but I have no idea what."

"Cool." He said getting a glass bottle of water from the fridge. "Working today?"

"Yeah," I said typing at my computer, "My shift starts at 3 so I'm gonna bring over the cookies right before and then head to work."

"What time is it now?"

"Almost noon."

"Jesus. I stayed up late."

"Clay, you have no sleep schedule, it's okay."

"Okay well, I told Tommy I'd join at noon so I better get going." He placed a kiss on my head "Can you maybe pick up dinner on your way home?"


"Sure. Get some mozzarella sticks this time though."

"I will," I said, pushing him away. "Now go, or you're gonna be late."

"Wait one more kiss." He said and we locked lips for a moment. A peaceful happy moment. "Okay, I'm going."

"Have fun!"

"You too."


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