Chapter 48: Lights flash, break through the darkness

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"Why don't you come inside Y/N," Ellie said, grabbing my forearm and pulling me into the house, slamming the door behind me.

"What are you doing here!" I broke my wrist out of her grasp.

"I moved. Isn't that obvious?"

I turned towards the door. "I'm leaving. I refuse to talk to you. I should have filed a restraining order, Clay was right."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into her embrace. I dropped the plate of cookies and glass and crumbs went everywhere. She was stronger than I remember, or maybe I was weaker than before.

"Look at how perfectly you fit in my arms, Y/N" She pinned my wrists together in her hands. "Why do you even listen to a word that man says when you could be with me like this."

"Let. Me. Fucking. Go." I said, fighting her grasp with every breath.

"You're so weak Y/N." She said "Do you need your big strong man to save you? Hm? You're just a weak little slut."

"LET ME GO!!" I said before she placed her hand over my mouth.

"Can't be too loud or else the neighbors will hear us, sweetheart." She pulled my wrists with her farther into the house towards the back, "Let's go for a drive."

She pulled me outside into a garage and shoved me harshly into the passenger seat of a small black sedan, locking the doors for the moment of freedom from her grasp I had.

"You have nothing against me Ellie." I said "I'm not staying with you. Never. We were never good. Ever. Our friendship was a mistake."

"Oh, sweetheart It's fun to see you struggle." She said pulling out of our neighborhood onto the main street. "I know you. I know you're going to put up a fight."

"So why are you even trying this!?" I said on the verge of tears. "What is this!"

"Because you need me. And I need you." She sounded so calm. And collected.

"No, I don't!" I said. "I'm happy now! I have friends that actually care about me and a boyfriend who I care about! You never did any of the stuff these people did for me."

"What they are doing is lying to you. You don't matter enough for them to care."

"Yes, I DO!" I said, pulling on the door of the car.

"You'd really try to get out?" she said with a smile. "You'd get out of the car on the interstate? You hate me so much you'd risk it all to lose them?" She had a cocky smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing.

"God, what don't you understand!!" I screamed. "We were NEVER GOOD! You never respected me! You treated me like a child, you barely trusted me to make my own decisions and you never celebrated my accomplishments!" She turned left sharply.

"Who told you that? Clay?" She laughed. "You'll get old quickly for him. He'll realize and you'll come crawling back to me. Why don't you just skip the heartbreak and stay with me." She rubbed her thumb over my lip.

I slapped her hand down. "WHO DO YOU THINK I AM! I'm not your fucking toy!"

"Would you really die for him?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard me, Would you die for him?" I could hear the motor's hum get louder.

"What kind of bullshit question is that?"

"A question that I deserve the answer to."

"You don't deserve shit from me."

"You know exactly what I'm asking."

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