Chapter 38: Where the music don't stop for life

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"It's our last night, Come on, arcade and Karaoke will be so much fun!" Niki exclaimed, practically dragging Tommy in from the car into the bowling alley, arcade, and Karaoke bar mix, we had found. Niki and I figured it could be a really fun way to go out with a bang on our last night, after the amount of complaining in the morning.

"I know, I just don't really want to have to leave tomorrow," Tommy complained.

"We're not actually like going back home, we're just going somewhere else. You know that right, Tom?" Jack said.

"Yeah, you guys are flying back with me!" Quackity said. "Come on, let's do some Arcade games!!" He wrapped his arm around Tubbo's shoulders and we walked into the arcade.

We all bought our own credits and started to wander around the arcade. I kinda bounced around between people who were playing games. I learned that Karl was really good at pinball games, which I guess wasn't quite surprising to me, but he was really really good.

George spent a whole lot of time with Quackity in those coin pusher games. I found it funny that they spent almost all of their time there, but they seemed to be having a blast, as they usually were.

I really only saw Sapnap and Dream once and they were playing a basketball game, which I thought was literally the most expected thing that they could have done and I cheered them on while passing them by.

Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Jack were together for most of the time, which we only knew because we could hear them together from literally any point in the arcade. They were loud. But I saw Tubbo and Tommy dominating at the piano keys game, while Jack was filming a tik tok of Wilbur trying to get a stuffed plush from the emoji movie from a crane machine.

I spent most of my time with Niki and Ranboo who were so much fun to hang out with. Ranboo was god-tier at the picking lock game and won the jackpot prize literally three times. Niki was really good at the whack-a-mole games. We spent the whole afternoon messing around at the arcade. I won a couple of prizes, and I got lots of photo booth pictures with everyone.

After we played arcade games and all got tons of useless prizes, we rented out a private room for karaoke and grabbed some food, and started to pick out songs.

"Wait wait, I want to go first," Quackity said, shoving his way to the tablet that selected the songs to play. "I already know what song I want to do!!!"

He tapped around while George complained, "There's no way I'm singing."

"Why Gogy, you're scared we're gonna make fun of you," Tommy said as the opening notes of Hey There Delilah started to play.

"No, my angelic voice would be too much for you mere mortals to handle," George said cockily, taking a bite out of a potato chip, while Dream wheezed loudly from next to me.

"Hey, there Delilah what's it like in new york city" Quackity sang along.

We laughed and chatted along, and Sapnap and George jokingly waved their hands in the air along with the song, and quackity sang passionately along with the lyrics. Karl nudged me halfway through asking if I wanted to sing a song with him and I nodded and he scrambled to go pick a song without even asking me, which made me giggle.

Dream gave me a soft glance asking what was happening, and I just nodded my head towards Karl, who was struggling with the tablet at the front, while quackity sang along to his song. Dream chuckled softly along with me and silence played through the speakers as quackity stepped down from the colorful lit stage.

"Hey George," Sapnap said, getting up and walking towards the stage. "George, George, I have a question for you, Answer me honestly."

"What?" George called from his seat.

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