Chapter 1: Anything For You, Dream

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Here we go again..


Dreams POV

We'd set the car on fire.
Noah's dead body had been in there a few days now and I really needed to get rid of it.

We had returned home from our previous travels that night, George was still oozing with adrenaline and I was happy. I was happy because he was happy. That's always been enough.

He's willing to commit arson with me.
Good to know.

We were in bed, currently watching Netflix. Normal couple things. He was sleepy because the rush had calmed down, leaving him exhausted.

I'm surprised, honestly. I didn't think George had it in him. I'm proud.

It was important that he knew it was completely his choice. I didn't pressure him into doing anything. Well, I made him come with me. But other than that it was George's choice.

He was asleep now. He looked so innocent. And he was. And that's not going to change. I'm going to keep George safe. At all costs. Like I've said before, I'll do anything for George.

George POV

He was still holding me when I woke up. A grin spread across my face as I remembered what happened the night before.

I'd literally commited arson. I feel like I should be less happy about that. It felt good. Noah deserved it. Clay was right. Noah had done so much to us it was only fitting we retaliated. Right?

I'm surprised I hadn't seen him, actually. That night in the alley... I shouldn't have gone. I was so clueless. I just wanted the best for us. But that wasn't the way, clearly. I traced my newly forming scar and shuddered.

I decided from now on, I'd tell Clay everything.

I tried to slowly slide out his arms but when I did, he reached out and brought me back.

"Where are you going, baby?"

"To the toilet, let me go. I'm actually going to piss myself."

"Okay, okay." And he let me go.

I kissed him lightly then ran off into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I liked the way my smile looked, finally. Mainly because Clay is the reason it forms. Would we tell sapnap what we did? Would sapnap be for it? Maybe it could be our little secret. Well, I mean, Noah will found out. What do we do then? What if he gets angry and retaliates? What do we do then? Oh god. I didn't think this through. We didn't think this through.

There was a knock at the door.

"Georgie I have a surprise."

"I'm starting to not like your surprises."

"We had fun last night, George. Don't deny it.."

I opened the door and he was stood, one arm pressed against the door frame, smirking.

"We did. But it was so risky. What if he comes after us again? What if he comes after me?"

"He won't, I promise." He laughed to himself.

This wasn't funny. We could get seriously hurt. I already have.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Do you trust me George?"

"Of course."

"Then trust that I'll keep you safe. He won't come anywhere near you ever again, I promise."

Anything For You, Dream - {DNF} //BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now