His Butler, Taking the Stage (Pt. 2)

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(Y/n) Stared down her hands as the three talked behind her. She was wondering about how life had been going so far

How many Moon thingy's did she get yet? Find?


Damn, ain't that bad though. Two more to go. She then hummed as she went into deep thought 'Would that mean I'll go back home? Or maybe even they'll come with me? Oh, God. Imagine leaving them again...' She narrowed her eyes as she sat there, rubbing her hands over her knuckles. She then glanced up to where her long haired Friend sat. She pursed her lips 'Ok, but, Undertaker. Why you got all these piercings, bro. Whatchu be doin'???'


The girl looked back to the blunette, seeing him just stare at her in confusion. But, (Y/n) just stood up and tilted her head "Yup?" Ciel lift up a piece of Paper "This one. You know it, don't you?" (Y/n) stared at the picture, getting a sight of the green Amulet. Ring? Eh, which ever one you'd say.

She nodded "Yeah, what about it?" Ciel looked up the newspaper "There's been signs of 'Magic like doings' at this place. And, since you seem to like collecting the Moon Rings, I'll let you take this one. That's is," He sighed, his tiredness slipping through "If we find it"

Undertaker lift the paper on his desk, staring at the information of the Child and the picture as well "I wonder, were they there? If I saw something interesting, I think I'd remember" (Y/n) and Ciel watched as he tied his fingers together "A first rate laugh!"

He giggled "If you do that, I'll tell you anything you want!" His smile widened as Ciel tried to ignore him "You understand, don't you, Earl" He then wiggled around, trying to get Ciel's attention yet laughed himself "You'll have to give me just that~"

(Y/n) just laughed and clapped her hands as Undertaker spasmed all around. He looked as if he was begging for some flying Dick in her brain. Ciel stared at the silverette with mixed emotions




The list goes on

He blinked like a dead Corpse. If they even do that "...Sebastian" The Butler nodded and gripped his glove "Then.." Just before he could clear his throat, a voice had stopped them

"Hm? You're going to reply on him again?"

Undertaker chuckled, his figure draped over his desk "I wonder, if the Butler isn't here, is the Earl just a Child who can't do anything? Though, if its amusing, I don't care who it is~" (Y/n) snickered "Can't even tie his own Shoes..." Sebastian's shoulders shook while she tried covering her laugh with him.

Undertaker gigged himself, pointing to the short girl with his sleeve "See? Even Poppet can do it" Ciel rolled his eyes, closing them to ignore them. But, the thought of a certain Indian Prince came to mind

"You cant do anything without me! What a helpless guy, its ok if you call me 'Big Brother'!"

He grit his teeth


His eyebrows twitched

"Call me Big Brother!"

He gripped his pants

"It cant be helped~"

Ciel lift his head, a glare written deep in his eye

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