Her Adventures, C-Claude?!

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(Y/n) had awoken not too long ago. The Reapers weren't there, sadly and Cat Claude wasn't there with her either, usually he is. She was walking through the halls and thinking about what she could do for the day. The arc with Agni and Soma had ended, but what would happen next? Ash is here but that man...

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon, Lass"

(Y/n) shivered at the thought. Then she heard some plates fall making her jump on the stairway. She rushed down the stairs and towards the kitchen where Drossel stood, frozen. "L.P. what's wrong?" She went to walk next to him but stopped when she saw a mop of dark black hair with a purple tint.

She grabbed a frying pan and did a pose "WHAT THE FUCK! CLAUDE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE--" She stopped herself once she took a closer look.

Now, she was just as shocked as Drossel. The person faced them, their skin was (s/c) but a bit lighter, they're eyes were a beautiful golden. They're hair was wild but it seemed to fit him perfectly. His face shape was similar to (Y/n)'s. Two little cat ears sat on their head and a tail swished around behind them to match with it.

They stood and smiled up at the two, his tail twirling behind him "Hey Momma! Mr. Butler was making biscuits and I wanted to try some"

The two sat there, staring at him in suprise.



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I sat there looking at my child. I would call him that, right? Yeah, I'll call him that.

Well, he must be cat Claude, there's no other way. Him turning human was new though, I got to hear what he was thinking, his opinions, how he felt about being in a new world. He was truley adorable in his little human form, he was a good bit about six. His hair was wild like Midoriya's, that's a plus, cause I can ruffle it! He didnt need glasses apparently, he had good eyesight.

Must be a Cat feature..

I decided to be a good mother and take him out. With the help of Drossel to pick out clothes for him, we set on our way to the city. It was werid, he lowkey looks like a mix of me and Claude combined. We had to hide his ears with a hat and put his tail in his pants, poor baby. Must be uncomfortable. Claude's large eyes gazed up at me in curiosity "Momma? Where are we goin'?" I pat his head "Were going to London, get you some clothes, some toys. Just a little trip"

Claude laid on me and looked down "Is Daddy going to be there?" My smile faltered. "Baby, Daddy is at Aloi--No, I mean, Daddy" I blinked owlishly at my kid. "Who, Claude?--No, Sebby" My eyes widened.

"S-Sebastian!?" He nodded "Sebby is my new Daddy! Since my old Daddy ignored me, I chose him to be my new Daddy instead" There's just a million suprises from this kid. I sweatdropped "U-Uh.. Are you sure you want him to be your Daddy?" Claude nodded and laid back down, going to sleep.

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