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A group of four stepped infront of the decaying home. It looked run down, paint chipping and all.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

The girl looked up to the brunette Male next to her. He gulped and nodded, putting on a brave frontier "Y-Yes. This is it.." The blonde next to him narrowed his eyes at the house, looking back up to his 'friend' "This is a terrible idea. Let's just go back to town. This place was left abandoned for years, maybe even decades"

The brunette scoffed "Edward, look" He looked back to the two girls a motioned them to stay put, dragging Edward over from them. The brunette grabbed his shoulders "Look at them. Their perfect for courting. If we show them how brave we are, that'll make them want us even more, eh?" The brunette shrugged his shoulders with a smile while Edward shook his head "George, we can't do this. What if something bad happens? What if this place collapse--Ed. Ed. Calm down. Just, let Mary hold onto you when she gets scared and Ann will do the same for me. Look at it, it's not even that scary"

The large manor like home sat in its eerie glory, Spiders on trees, chipped wood, hollow winds and to make things worst...

"...I....Is it raining?"

A storm was rolling in.

Edward and George hurriedly took off their coats and placed them on their guests heads, running inside with them. Mary looked to Edward "Edward, was it? Thank you" Edward nodded back at her, not handing her a smile. Just a nod.

Mary looked down, discouraged. She glanced over to Ann. George was smiling at Ann. So, why can't Edward do the same for her?

Ann saw the look her friend carried and pat her back "Try again. I'm sure he's just shy" Ann glanced Edward's way once more and nodded. She walked over to him as he looked over a painting of a Married couple. Both wearing odd clothing. One with what looked to be long silver, grey hair. He had a bright smile as he hugged his Wife from behind the chair she sat in. His hair was tied in a ponytail of some sort as his Wife sat infront of him, her head down with a frown on her lips. However, there was a hat covering her eyes. Her dress was a dark black, matching the dark clothing that her Husband wore. Edward lift a brow, the grey haired Man oddly seemed familiar. Ann lift her hand to tap h---

"I wasn't aware that we had guest"

The group gasped and looked to the front where a tall man with dark brown slicked back hair and a Butler like suit stood with a candle holder in his hand, a blank look on his face. George backed up a bit, sucking in some breath. Ann gripped his arm "I thought you said this place was ab-abandoned" George shook as he stood there "I thought it was.."

The Butler stared over all four, landing on Edward last. He nudged his glasses with his clean black gloves. Edward narrowed his eyes as he saw them, Butlers are supposed to carry white gloves. It shows that they are clean at all times. Why was he wearing black...

"Well, there is no time for dawdling around. Follow me. I shall take you to my Master. I'm sure he would love to meet you"

The Butler walked up a few more steps, looking back at the group once he noticed they weren't following.

"Aren't you coming?"

Mary screeched as she was suddenly jolted and yanked forward. Edward gasped and reached for her "Ma--Wha--" A force yanked him forward as well, pulling them to the steps.

Ann stepped back, shaking her head "No...No!" She turned back and ran away but, she turned back around and walked forward. George stood there stiffly in shock as he was forced to life as well. The four grunted and cried for help as the Butler stared at them. A glare sweeped over his glasses once he saw that they were all standing infront of him, ready to leave.

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