His Butler, Merrymaking (Pt.3)

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Now this is a load of bullshit.

"Why the fuck am I hanging by my damn feet!"

I had the worst punishment than the others! It was because I was a "traitor" and this is what they do to people like me. I dont even know.

After I yelled at them, the men holding the rope lowerd it a bit to the snarling dogs under me. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Calm down!" They brought me up a bit. I looked over to Mey-Rin and she stared at me with worry clouding her eyes "It's alright Mey! I'll be ok--AYY!"

I was dropped closer again. "STOP DOING THAT! IM TRYING TO TALK HERE!" I glared at the men. One sneered at me "Traitors dont deserve to talk!" I was lowerd again. One dog jumped and snapped near my ear. They got me messed up! "(Y/n)!!" That's when they started covering their mouths.

If I look back, I know I'm going to see their scared faces. I dont want to do that! I dont want to worry them any farther. I looked over to Ciel. 'You look so chill for someone whose about to get chewed apart'

His eyes narrowed 'If I were you, I'd be more worried for myself than others' I shrugged 'Ain't nothin' wrong with worrying for my friends'

Another dog snapped at me and then the rope was pulled up. I lift my head some, trying to help the blood not rush down to my head.

'The pure one, My Dove! No, please!'

I looked over at Angela as she coverd her mouth. She ran over to Bitchmore "Master, I beg you, please forgive these people!" The bitch smirked and looked to Ciel "True, this Pomeranian is the Queen's messenger." He looked up at me "My Servant has been helpful around the house as well"

He looked over to Ciel "Depending on what the messenger says, perhaps I'll let them go." Bitchmore glared at Ciel "Pull out of this village and advise Her Majesty never to touch it again!" All eyes turned to Tiny Baby as he smiled "You'd go that far to protect your tiny little kingdom? You're the very dictionary definition of "Obsession"."

Bitchmore, or Wolverine if you want, furrowed his brows "Then learn for yourself what happens to bad dogs who defy me!" He pointed to the others "Sick 'em!" My eyes widened at their speed. Bitchmore looked up at me and then to the men holding my rope.

Angela gasped "I'll do anything, just dont hurt her!" She went to stop his rising arm but he tossed her back. "Drop her!" My heart was beating too fast. This was the first for me.

To be dropped into a pile of savage dogs. The men all looked at each other and nodded, pulling me up to the top. I thought it was a change of heart but those bastareds smirked at me and then let go. I screamed as I grew closer to the dogs.

I closed my eyes as I dropped. 'This is it, huh? It was a nice run. I should've wrote a will'

I let out a grunt as someone caught me. The yelps of dogs made me look up to see "Sebastian! Where the hell were you!"

He smiled down at me as I glared back at him "You're late" He looked back at Ciel and sat me down by the angry midget. "My apologies, My Lord" Bitchmore glared at the Butler as the dogs stood back up "You dare interfere, Garm! What are you waiting for? Kill that one, too!" The doggos became angry doggos.

That ain't good.

"Oh, what noisy, coarse voices. This is why I hate dogs"

That little flash made their asses sit down and obey! I shivered a bit, Sebs looked scary like that.

The crowd gasped at the scene "Wh-What happened!?" Ciel glared at Bitchmore as I moved my dress skirt some to my best ability "The farce ends here, Barymore! People of the village, listen to me! There is no Demon Hound. There's only that pathetic old man obsessed with power!"

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