His Butler, Omnipotent

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(Y/n) was sitting on the front while Grell layed on the whole trolley, hanging on for dear life. The short chick was actually having fun rolling down to her doom but Grell was truley terrified.

They rolled closer to two brown double doors and they burst open, revealing everyone that resided in the Manor. (Y/n) knew where this thing was headed and even though it may spoil everything in it, it was better than having anyone hurt. She tilted slightly and grabbed the Butler's upper body, tossing themselves off the trolley and falling to the floor. She tried to not injure him but, shit happened.

A crash sounded all throughout the room along with a screaming Finny. 'Damn! Thought I saved him' Grell's head was spinning and he shook out his little moment when hands were pressed on his chest. He rapidly blinked as he watched the (s/c) skinned girl sit up and scratch her head.

'This angle...I can see it all perfectly. My hands could reach to so many places... All the things she could do to me...Oh my..'

His thoughts stopped when she looked down and smiled at him "My bad, Grell, I was just trying to see if none of us would get hurt" The Butler cupped his hands as she stood "Y-You saved me?" The girl nodded "Yeah, if you wanna put it that way" His eyes widened as she lent out a hand towards him, sparkles surround her in his vision "Here, I'll help you"

Grell blushed slightly "T-Thank you..." The girl waved her hand "No problem, bestie"

Grell gripped onto a short blurry body "What's wrong Bestie!" He pointed to Ciel, who simply sat on a couch "That child tried to rip my hair out!"

Grell shook his head. How? What was that? No one knows about him being a Reaper yet. Where was he? The others glared at him for the mess he caused while (Y/n) sat to the right of Ciel, munching away on a scone. "Hey, Phantomhive" Ciel glanced her way and rolled his eye "Welcome back, I see no matter what I do or go, you will always turn up and stick by my side" the girl laughed and nodded "Yup, you're never going to get rid of me, Tiny Baby"

An irk mark appeared on his forehead "Please address me by my real name" The girl shook her head "You're always so angry, Tiny Baby" he grit his teeth and sneered at her "Stop calling me that!" (Y/n) just laughed at his temper. That's when they noticed Sebastian giving his 'kind words' to Grell. The girl sweatdropped "How the fuck is that kind?"

Bard had the same idea in mind "That was kindness?" Finny, Mey-Rin, and (Y/n) all shook their heads. Sebastian bent down, picking up the silver teapot. "Now what I'd like to know, is how you could ever think it was acceptable to serve the Master such weak tea"

He went over to the table and went to work. "A spoonful for each person and one more for the pot." He then poured the hot water inside, the Servants and (Y/n) watching intently. "Finally, add half a pint of boiling water and let it steep until dark"

The four jotted down notes, with the occasional nod from (Y/n). Grell just watched in amazement, simply adoring the Butler. Sebastian placed the new cup down for Ciel, letting him take his little sips. "Master, are you ready it is almost time." He put his watch back where it was "I have the carriage waiting for you in the front drive now" Ciel sat his cup down with closed eyes "Fine"

The Butler turned to the Chaotic Trio ft. Tanaka. They stood straight as he got ready to give them their orders. "As for the rest of you, I want this place absolutely spotless, understand?" They nodded. He then turned to a shy and cute little Butler "Grell, perhaps you should sit there and relax so you dont cause any more trouble" He went to turn away but then 'oh'd', turning around with a smile and said his little statement "And, if you do decided to seek your eternal rest, please see to it outside would you and try not to make too big of a mess"

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