Her Adventures, Dem Trancy's!!

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"Faster, Timber! Faster!"

I was riding down the hallway on a trolley like a surf board with Timber pushing it as well as riding it too.

We were currently on a treasure hunt. I was Captain (Y/n) (L/n), scurviest Pirate in the seven seas. Right here is my trusty First Mate, Timber. I looked down at my map and gasped "Dead ahead, me boy!" The cart stopped and I hopped down. We walked forward to a door and I pushed it open. "Look alive, Tim. Lord knows what's hidin' in here"

It was dark and eerie looking. Before we could step any closer, the doors closed behind us. We looked back and then ducked at the on coming sword to our heads. I looked back up to see a plumb haired twin swinging on a rope, landing near a chair.

"Le gasp" I stared in horror at the group before us "It's Captain Hannah and the danger twins!" The lavender haired woman smirked once she saw me "It seems you have fallen for my trap, Captain (L/n). Timber." She stood and pointed to us "Sick 'em, boys!"

I pulled my sword out as did Timber as we waited for them to charge. "Come at us!" The two ran forward and attacked. I blocked a swing by Thompson. I went to stab him but he jumped away.

I ran forward and slashed at him. Damn, Demons. Their too fast! I heard a grunt and looked back. "Timber!" My First Mate!

He was stabbed by Canterbury! I glared at Thompson and stabbed him. I ran over to Timber and threw my sword at Canterbury, making him fall down as well. I fell to my knees and held Timber in my arms "Tim..No.." I hugged his upper body with a sadden look, but then moved his arm away as his hands trailed upward. He ain't slick.

I glared up at Hannah "You...You will pay for this!" Hannah laughed and drew a sword of her own "We shall see about that" I sat my First Mate down and picked up my sword from Canterbury "Bring it!"

I jumped on the left wall, hopping to the right and going straight, my sword high above my head as I let out my war screech "YAAHHH!" "AHHH!"

Sadly, my game was cut short by the bang of the doors. "What's going on here! Where's my fresh cut flowers!" Alois sat in the doorway with his hands on his hips, Claude behind him. I then noticed that I was falling.

I flailed around as I fell quicker "AAH! SHIT!" Next thing I knew, I was in Timber's arms. I smiled and hugged him "Tim's alive!" I then narrowed my eyes "You're a big perv, you know that" He rolled his eyes.

Alois walked in and looked at our clothing in confusion "What were you lot doing?" I waved my hand "We were playin' Pirates." He crossed his arms and pouted "Without me!?" I sweatdropped.

Alois just turned "It doesn't matter anymore, we have a guest coming this evening and I want everything to be spotless!" He mostly glared at Hannah who went back to her quiet stage. I let out a small sigh and hopped down.

"Dang, fun 's over yall" Canterbury and Thompson walked over while Hannah walked off to go change. Thompson looked down at me "That was an interesting little game" I nodded as the four of us walked down the halls "True that. True that."

I cupped my chin as we walked past the stairs "Wonder who's comin' over" The deepest voice spoke, making me know it's Canterbury talking "I heard it was a noble" Timber looked to his brother "Really? Do you think it's his annoying Uncle?"

I opend my room door and went on inside. I sat at my desk and sighed, closing my eyes. "Hey, you got to be buried in her chest, how was it?" Deep voice, Canterbury. "It was soft and squishy. I went to touch them but she put my hand down" Lighter yet sorta deep voice, Timber.

"At least you got to feel them. I'm jealous" Lightest voice, Thompson. I sweatdropped. I swear to God, you cant do nothin' around these kids. They then went quiet. Odd.

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