His Butler, On Ice

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A man ran through the snow, breathing heavily as three others chased after him. He looked back and sped faster.

The chunkier of the bunch behind him groaned "Run faster, damnit, we can't let him get away! Does Tim even get how hard we worked to steal that thing!?" They were too far from him.

The man stopped at the bridge and gasped for air. He then opened his fist and smirked at the little jewel in his hands. The purple jewel glowed in the darkness while the men rejoiced with a crazed laugh. "It's mine now. I wont let anyone else have it.."

"You are not suited for that ring..."

He stopped and glared back at the figure behind him. Something shot out at him. He trembled as it grew tighter. He couldn't even see them. Tiny, little strings. They gripped his legs, wrist, torso, even his neck. He tried to lift his gun to shoot but the strings stopped him as his blood dripped to the icy ground.

"The Moon Ring is searching for it's worthy Master, you see." The figure tilted it's head "It's true Master... However," The person gripped the strings "You do not fit the description"

The strings were pulled, making the male yell out in pain as he tumbled on his feet. He leaned on the bridge railing and soon fell in the ice cold water head first.

That's gotta hurt!

The three men from before stopped and gazed at the hole in disbelief. "He jumped!" The one to the left shook his head "That Damn fool.."

The figure narrowed it's eyes at the hole "The Master has arrived. They will be here soon.."

"Ladies and Gents! This hasn't happened in eighty years!"

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"Ladies and Gents! This hasn't happened in eighty years!"

Men and woman, children and pets, were all gathered around doing things you would do near ice. Y'know, cooking food, chatting, shopping, ice skating.

The whole deal.

"I see. "Frost Fair" is an appropriate name" Sebastian looked over the area as people did their business. "A large gathering held at the foot of the London bridge when the Thames freezes over. From what I'm told it hasn't been held for several decades now."

"Not since 1814 apparently"

A certain twindriled blonde ran around the tents while her brown haired Maid stumbled behind her. "My Lady, please!"

Elizabeth turned around to see Paula jogging up to her, slipped slightly, and then continued to run up to her. Paula breathed heavily and looked up at the girl form her crouch position "Careful. You're going to crack the ice if you keep stomping about like that"

Paula stopped and fixed herself a bit, trying to step carefully on the ice while Elizabeth giggled. "My Lady, I'll be scolded for this" Elizabeth 'hmpf'd' and turned her nose "But Harrods and Liberty we're both utterly hopeless!" The twenty year old girl turned to her Maid and jumped, making them shake a bit. Paula let out a small screech and covered herself

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