His Butler, Supremely Talented (Pt.2)

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I played with Soma's hair as he snored. He was tightly wrapped around me and I just sat there and chilled. Imagine having Soma as a kid, awe! That would be so fucking cute!

Soma jolted and moved his head. He lift it up some and I smiled down at him "Why, good morning snorin' beauty" Soma smiled and hugged me, giving me a good squeeze "Good morning! I didn't think you would wake up before me" I chuckled "I've been up for a good bit. I think we've got stuff to do today though.."

Soma tilted his head "And what is that?" I sighed, time for some big brain energy "Curry contest. Ciel's doing it and he thinks that dude that Agni's with is doing it. If you ask me, I would say Agni might be cookin' too. So, Ciel's sending Sebastian into the con..." I was lift up by my wrist and dragged out my room.


Catching up with his ass was a struggle! Only for him to run into the dining room. I skidded on the floor and wobbled some on my feet. Soma walked over to the table "There is a Curry Contest and you didnt tell me!?" Ciel sipped his tea with that usual 'I don't give a fuck' look. "Well, you left the room so quickly, I felt the need not to" I looked around and smiled once I saw my adorable Butler. I ran over and tackled him into a hug, passing Sebastian "Drossel!" The Puppet's eyes went wide as he held me "My Lady, careful"

I laughed and stood straight "My bad, my bad. Where did you go last night?" Drossel went to answer but something caused him to pause. "Sudara Yōdhā told me!" I turned around with the classic Pikachu face. "....Huh?"

Lau titled his head "Since when? Why, I dont remember telling miss (L/n) a thing" Aw, shit. I don't have time to fill Lau and Soma in on my full fucking backstory. Ciel lift a finger, making everyone face him. "I told her" I let out a sigh of relief "However, I thought I made it clear when I said not to tell anyone. Especially, the Prince" He sent me a glare while I shrugged "Hey, look at it this way. That's his Butler. I had to tell him where he might be"

Ciel looked back down "Well, either way, it wont be a problem to win. I'm sure I have everything in control, don't I, Sebastian?" Mr.Smirksirlot did just as his name stated.


He sat a hand to his chest and closed his eyes "A Phantomhive Butler who can't do that much isn't worth his salt. I promise you, I will get a Royal Warrent for yo--Impossible" Sebs gave CR a suprised looked. I chuckled 'Cut OFF!' I 'sliced' my neck with my finger as I looked to the tall bitch. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.


"There's no way you can win. They have Agni! And his hand was blessed by the Goddess Kali.." (Y/n) nodded in agreement "I dont know 'bout y'all, but, Soma's makin' some pretty good points" Ciel sat back in his chair "Yes, Agni is a remarkable fighter, but this isn't a combat sport. It's a cooking competition"

Soma shook his head "That is what I am saying. None of you have even glimpsed Agni's true power yet" (Y/n) snapped her fingers "Peridot" Ciel glared at her 'Will you be quiet' She huffed and walked over to Soma, Drossel in tow "Ok, look. Agni has cooked for Soma for who knows how long. So, what right do we have to disagree with him"

Soma nodded "She is right. None of you know real Curry" Ciel left a brow at this "What is this 'real Curry'?"

Men and woman around the West Estate sniffed the air as various dents waiffed in the air "The key to Curry is a mixture of spices. The possibilities are infinite" Many things sat on the large table. Dust and spices of many kinds.

"Choosing the right one is a very difficult task. It is like trying to find one truth in a vast universe!" The hand sprinkled them into the pot, stirring at a fast pace.

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