His Butler, On Ice (Pt.2)

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I pushed myself closer to Undertaker and tried to hide my face from the big ass pervert known as Viscount Druitt.

"Oh my, whose this lovely rose that has been bestowed upon me?" I whined slightly as he came closer. 'Doesnt he use Bird references usually?' "A beautiful Swan, gracefully making her way into my heart~"

I was suddenly yanked out of warmth huddle and infront of Druitt. 'Noo~ I was warm for once!' I'm surprised no one said shit about my clothes yet. I did get some looks though, oh well, fuck 'em. "This rose. White, signifying Innocence. I pass this to you, my beautiful Swan"

He placed it in my hair and stared into my eyes. He doesnt seem as bad but you ain't gotta be so close..

"Get your paws off my (Y/n)!" Ah, the bipolar blonde came back. He pulled me away and stood infront of me. 'Uh, sir. I can protect myself'

"Oh my, please, excuse me. I hope you wouldn't mind if I steal her away any time soon" Ciel looked scared as shit and for some reason, it made me laugh. I put a hand on my mouth as he glared at me. "Why is he a judge?" Lau nodded "Yes, wasn't he arrested for Human trafficking? What a naughty man.." Abberline narrowed his eyes at the blonde that crept closer to me. "He was released a few days ago"


Alois growled under his breath and moved (Y/n) away. "Stop getting near my Fiancé!" Vicount tilted his head "I dont know what you mean" "Are you calling me a liar!?" The short girl pat Alois's shoulder "Calm down. He's just messin' with ya.." The Judge from before puffed his chest out as Abberline tried to reason with him "Oh no! I dont care if you are from Scotland Yard sir. The Frost Fair is an event for our citizens, I will not let you disrupt it!"

Druitt went to the statue "Just look at her beauty. Such an exquisite Noble Lady, we could never allow her to be violated by anybody" His eyes glanced over to the (h/c) girl as she tapped the ice, wondering if it would crack. Ciel glared at him "You're one to talk.." Viscount smiled and glided over to her "If you insist on possessing this Lady, you should offer something of equal beauty" He twirled a (strand/curl/etc.) of (Y/n)'s hair, only for her to smack his hand away.

He shivered and held his shoulders "So fierce and quick. A true specimen of beauty" (Y/n) slowly slid behind Alois and Claude as he went in his little orgasmic state. "He's quite right. If you want this sculpture, win the contest" Ciel smirked "I see, there's merit in that. The ring belongs to the winner. I like the simplicity in that" Abberline gave him a look of question "Ciel.."

Lone boy blue nodded "I'll get that ring" Abberline furrowed his brows and went into a defensive state "That's stolen property and key evidence in the serial kidnapping of young wom--" He stopped himself and covered his mouth. He's too cute!

Alois crossed his arms "So that's why the Yard was so frantic to find the ring" (Y/n) squinted her eyes in confusion 'I thought it was girls not women' "But it's the truth that each owner of the ring has met a horrible end!" (Y/n) looked to Ciel with thinned lips "It's a cursed stone and you still try to win it?" Ciel lift a brow "Cursed, eh?" He looked down at his own ring "Then it suits me all the more" He gave it a little smooch. Ring X Ciel fanfics need to be made

"Come to think of it,"

All eyes went to Undertaker as he brought his hands up "I seem to recall your ring had a pretty blue stone" Ciel nodded "Yes"

"You should take care. Diamonds are hard. But, because their hard," His smile widened "Their brittle" He lift a hand towards the blunette "If you go to far, you may be shattered as well~" Ciel fully turned to him "What of it? This body and this ring..." He smirked down at the gem as it glistened in the light. He gave it another little smooch and looked to the silver haired male "Have already been shattered and then reborn"

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