Her Adventures, WHAT THE FUCK!?

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(Go read 2 Different Worlds first before you readthis book, it'll make more sense)

Soft snores were heard in the house. A tiny black cat bounded it's way from the couch and up some stairs. Once it got to the top, it went right, down some hallways, and to a cracked door. Pawing the little crack, the cat slid in and ran to the bed.

He meowed up at it and the snores still continued. The little thing hopped on the bed and walked to the person under the covers. The cat meows yet again as he tapped the person's face. "Claude, why~"

The figure sat up to show a girl with wild (h/c) hair. Her (h/t) hair moved in one piece as she scratched her head. Her (e/c) eyes looked down to the golden eyed black cat next to her. "Hey, Baby" She pet his head and he snuggled into it in return.

She slid out the bed with a whine and practically crawled to her closet. Once she came out, she was dressed in (clothes you chose). She thought she looked good, to hell with what everyone else thinks.

After an endless walk in the long hallways, she got on the stairs rail and slid down. (Y/n) hopped off and walked over to the kitchen. She passed a picture frame and glanced at it. Then did a double take.

It was a picture of her group. She had her arms around Alois's and Ciel's shoulders, the blonde having a bright smile and the blunette with a scowl. Sebastian was staring at cat Claude as the cat sat there licking his paws. Claude was glaring at the Crow Demon since he was staring at his proclaimed 'son'. Grell was trying to get a little kiss from William, but William was aiming his shears at the redhead with an irritated look on his face. Undertaker was behind the three humans with peace signs all the while having his bright smile.

Memories flooded in her head of the time they all spent together. From meeting Alois, to going to the carnival, to her little 'wedding'. She thought of Ash and his little Yandere obsession on her. Then they went to Kenji and his death along with her brothers and soon her sister. To think it's only been two years. She graduated school and is now nineteen years old, only a few months away from twenty.


The little furball looked up at the saddened girl in question. She wiped a tear under her eye and smiled down at him "I'm fine, Claude. Whatcha wake me up for anyway?" Claude jumped on the counter. The cat ran over to the phone and she 'ah'd. "Dont worry, I'll call em"

The cat stopped infront of her feet, almost tripping her. I swear this bitch can teleport "Dude, cmon." He stared at her for awhile, just like a certain Demon. (Y/n) let out a groan and picked up the house phone. She glanced at the cat as he stared at her with a bit of smugness "You spent too much time around your Father" After some waiting a voice picked up


(Y/n) smiled "Axel! Long time no see" a chuckle was heard "Good Morning Miss Doma. Are you here to check up on the Night Crawlers status" Ever since 'the Wedding and everyone going back' thing happened, (Y/n) decided to take ahold of the Night Cralwers. She knew all the do its and what its, so it wasn't entirely that hard.

If you asked her body count, as in killings not the other way around nasty asses, it would round to 390 to 400. If you count big places like Mansions or gang get togethers, it would be alot bigger. (Y/n) may look harmless, but she was dangerous as shit and will handle your ass if needed.

She knew it would be a big responsibility but she still took it. Granted, most of the things she was aimed for wasn't always that great but it was sometimes, the Night Crawlers were never that bad...Well...

"You know I dont like being called that" (Y/n) picked up the black kitten and sat on her couch, stroking his fur. Axel let out a nervous laugh on the other side of the line.

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