His Butler, However You Please

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I heard talking as I sat in Ciel's chair. His office is so damn big and his chair is really comfy~

"Certainly, Young Master"

There was footsteps and the crack of the door as the two stepped in. I turned around in the chair as the two jumped, Ciel did so more.

"Wh-WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I smiled "Hello Phantomhive!" I stood up and walked to the door. "I'm sure you have questions, Blueberry. Why not have them answered hm?" He looked hesitant. Sebastian locked eyes with the short stack and they both nodded. I smiled and walked down the hall with the two following me.

I stopped and turned to them "First... How do you like the fit?" They looked it over. I thought it looked nice. "It's pleasant. Finally, you're not wearing that clothing you first came in" I rolled my eyes "Fuck off. I dress how I wanna dress!"

I dont really like dresses but their growning on me.

I dont really like dresses but their growning on me

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"Odd ain't it?"

It was best if I told them I was an assassin. I decided it was better than the other things.

The blunette nodded. "That explains how you were able to take on that hoard of men. Although, I still dont understand how a mer Human such as yourself was able to fight back against a Grim Reaper." I looked back to the fight Grell, and I had in the Jack the Ripper case. Although, I wouldnt really call it a fight. I then narrowed my eyes at Sebastian, that Bitch "The hell is that 'pose to mean?"

He sweatdrooped at my change of attitude nonetheless. I sighed and scratched my head with a hand only hip "Yeah, I guess you're right." My eyes drifted to the ring on Ciel's thumb. "I even wonder the same thing"

Ciel must've noticed since he narrowed his eyes at me. I smiled and handed him a bag. "You know, Blueberry, your birthday is tomorrow" He stared at it for awhile. This was the first gift he received the whole day, for now at least. I frowned a bit "I know you dont really celebrate it but..Here" I placed it in his hands. I looked up at him but my mind...

'I haven't had a proper birthday since that day..'

Ah yes, my mind reading. I hate this gift sometimes...

We stopped at the stairs and before he could open my gift, the doors soon bust open. A twindriled blonde ran up the stairs and swung Ciel around, causing him to drop my gift. It landed in Sebastian's hands and although I thanked him, I crossed my arms as I stared at the blonde. Of course she had to get in the moment. Elizabeth sat him on the ground as I backed up behind Sebastian, clearly not wanting to start anything with the girl.

"Here! This is for you, open it I cant wait!" Her voice echoed in the empty building. The shaky Earl stood up as he gazed at the little red box. My eyes widened 'Drossel..' I looked away once I saw Sebs give me a lifted brow. Ciel's ring glisted and she gasped a bit.

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